Chapter 15

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Jack's pov
An anonymous tip came through the day, that Sasha was involved in the assassination. Shit! McCoy was exhilarated, but we had no true evidence of this and we could not use the anonymous tip just like that.
We needed a warrant, and for that evidence was necessary.

I had to call her and talk about this. We could not trace the origin of the call, such a shame, I bet Sasha would have loved to know who it was.

"Yo, McCoy, I am going to get lunch, want something?" He looked up from the papers his eyes too tired for this.

"Yes, a steak please with sweet potatoes and garlic bread. I need to eat healthy so we can finish this madness." He saluted and got back to work.

I got out the station and went to the restaurant I first met her. It was almost empty the people should be in at noon.
A waiter came to my table and took my orders.

The phone she gave me was in my inner pocket, it started to buzz.

"What do you have Jack?" Her voice was a bit more aggravated than usual, did she find out about the police?

"Did something happen? Why are you so edgy?" My Sprite came and I took a sip.

"Stop with the chitchat Jack, What do you have?" Yup she was pissed.

"An anonymous tip came today, announcing that you are responsible for the death of Vasily. In your favor, they did not have time to check the location of the call, not even a name or anything else. But they will soon make a visit, I suggest..." she didn't even let me finish.

"I know Jack, but remember who you work for. Anything else? Who will take care of this cases? You and McCoy? If yes you know what to do."

"I need you to come over to the Red Velvet Tonight, be careful, if anyone sees you, you'll be dead."  And she closed the conversation.
Well good bye to you too woman. Jeesh..moody much...well If I were in her position I'd be moody too. But there is more to the story than it looks.

Some information is missing.
I finished my meal and went back to the office. If anything changes I better be there.

Sasha's pov
I reached the club, the workers were here but due to the walls being destroyed they didn't see me and Samantha was nowhere in sight. Good I didn't want to kill her.

I reached my office and got in the shower, another piece of clothing that needed to be burned. The Chinese head of the mob called the police, he could't get me so he sent the police. Coward.

He will pay for this...another head to be cut down. This time it will be at my hand.

After I got out of the shower I dressed in black pants and a black turtleneck blouse. My wet hair up in a pony tail, I had to go and see Marius and our little lamb, it's possible that I'll need another shower.

Just then someone knocked at the door, I knew it was Samantha.

"Come in!" Sam entered the office with a big smile.

"Hello miss Sasha, we started the renovations. I know it's a lot of mess but believe me, it will look as I promised!" She was almost bouncing on her feet. I liked her positive vibe.

"Happy to hear that. Samantha could you write a daily report for me in what our men do? And mail it?" I went to the bar and poured myself a martini dry as always.

"Sure thing! Anything else?" She smiled and nodded.

"Nope, I have to go anyway. Good day, Samantha." We both left and said our goodbyes.
I walked to the next row of blocks, my men were all in the streets, bowing their heads while I passed them. It felt good but I did not show it.

When I first entered the neighborhood the thing that popped up were the red X's on the walls. My dad marked every thing he owned with red, that is why it's called the Red Painted Neighborhood but also because this place has the most walls painted with blood.

No one was good here. I reached my destination, nodded to the guy who was guarding the entrance and went down the stairs.

It was one of our interrogation rooms, every interrogation room has a 'hospital' room attached in case our lamb is close to death without saying everything.

Marius was standing in the left corner of the room, our guy tied to a chair in the middle of the room, he was trembling, his head down.

"Did he say anything?" I dragged another chair and set it in front of him.

"Not a single word miss." Marius came next to me.

"Shun, is your name, right? Your mother and father worked for the chief, both dead because of him. So he took you in, but it was't out of kindness. He needed people." I grabbed his face.

"What are you going to do kid? Die for him? Join your parents in death?" He tried to get away from my grip but I slapped him.

"No, no I...I don't want to die!" He started to shake violently.

"Tell me where your chief resides this week. I know he moves weekly. Tell me about his business. Who is he collaborating with?"

"I...I don't know this kind of stuff. I know only where we should have delivered you, there is a big restaurant in China town, we should have delivered you through the back entrance to the basement." He looked up at me.

"I swear, I am only in this kind of delivery, nothing else. I never killed someone. Please spear my life!" That gave me an idea, I got up, took Marius's gun and kicked Shun in the back. He fainted right away.

"Marius, bring me one of the nano syringes, let's plant a bug in him. We'll hear what he hears, always know where he is. This is the best option at the time. Then, deliver him to the first entrance of the China Town."
I know Marius was not sure about this. My dad never left these kind of men alive. But I needed intel, and he was the best lamb I could ask for.

Marius returned with the syringe and I looked ai it, blue liquid just like Curacao, pretty.

I injected the bots in his neck, this is one of Xavier's creations, he is indeed a good resource.

Marius then cut the bindings and dragged him out of the room. A car was outside waiting for them.

"Do not get near that place, they will shoot the car down." I patted him on the back and walked back to the club.

My phone started to buzz, a message from Jack. "I will be there shortly."

Soon my plan will be set in motion. I smiled and enjoyed the peaceful walk.

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