Chapter 8

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Jack's pov

Tick-Tick-Tick what? I could hear water, is this how heaven sounds? I opened my eyes to a white sealing. Uhmmm...nope, not in heaven. 

I tried to focus on my surroundings, there were a lot of hospital items, two beds, but I was sure this was not a hospital, it was more like a lab. 

My wound was not hurting that much, it looked like someone got the bullet out and patched me up.  I tried to get up but my hands and feet were cuffed to the bed. What sick fuck did this? 

The back door opened and a man entered with a black box in his hands. "Oh you are awake, the boss wants to talk to you. Don't try to escape, she'll kill you in a second." he smiled and nodded to the cuffs. 

"The were just a precaution, we couldn't let you leave." he approached the bed.

My eyes went wide, it wasn't my imagination, she saved me, but with what purpose. 

"I can't talk to a lady like this can't I? Maybe you should uncuff me." I looked him in his eyes, he was not sure what to do. 

"No can do mister, she said cuffs on at all times." he reached for his phone. "Boss, he's up.", he nodded and seated himself on a stool near the bed. 

The back door opened again. "Thank you Xavier, you can leave." I heard her say, she had such a smooth voice. 

The man nodded and left. I tensed and swallowed hard, she came in my line of vision, damn she was so beautiful. 

"Hello Jack. Nice to finally meet you." she smiled and my breath stopped. Why did she have this effect on me? 

"So mister Jack, you are a perverted cop with no sense of self-preservation. Interesting, what brought you to my neighborhood without an announcement?" she took a seat where Xavier stood a couple of minutes ago. 

"I'm not a pervert, how did you even know my name?" my voice came out hoarse.

"I know everything about the people in my neighborhood, even about the stray cats." she started to laugh. 

"You have no right to keep me cuffed to a bed, I am a police officer, you are..."she forcefully grabbed my chin in her had, her movement so fast I didn't even see when she moved. 

"Listen here, Jack, this is my neighborhood, I make the rules. I will ask the questions. I do whatever I want because I own this place and the people that live here work for me and answer to me. You are in my neighborhood now, so you answer to me. The law has no power here, you have no power here." she let my chin go. I was speechless. 

"I want information about what happened last night." she approached a table at the back of the room and took something that shined in the light, I think it was a small knife. 

"I can't give that to you." she's going to torture me. This woman...

"Oh you can, but you don't want to." she smiled and came near the bed. 

"Oh Jack, I saved your life, I could have left you on the streets to die. You would have been just a cop that did not respect the procedure and ended up dead on an alley. No one would have known what happened to you, your body would have been found by your partner, mourned by your family. Such a pity, don't you think?" she faked a sad face. 

"So you will torture me to get what you want? What information? You said you knew it all. Why don't you know what happened?" I started to struggle in bed but of no end. 

She smiled getting closer to my face, "I want to know how the cops found about the exchange." I could smell her perfume, so alluring, she was playing me and I was getting deep in her game. 

"I won't tell you anything." I looked deep in her eyes. 

She started to scrape the little knife down my chest, almost drawing blood, "Jack.." she sighed. "Your bank account has one million dollars on it, your apartment has evidence that you are collaborating with the mafia, you have drugs under your mattress and a corpse in your bathroom. Now mister Jack, I think you'll have a change of heart regarding a collaboration with me." 

"No, no I don't, why did you plant all of that? What do you want, the police has nothing, the van exploded what..?" I was trashing in the bed trying to break free.

"Stay still. You'll only hurt yourself and I don't have time for this. I want you to work for me Jack, I want you to be my eyes and ears in that police station, you are new, no one will suspect a Texas ranger, your partner is clever but he's getting old. Do that and you'll be free." she smiled, hey eyes were gleaming with excitement. 

"But remember this, those 5 bodies that you know of, they all betrayed me. So Jack, you don't want to betray me, ever." she cut my t-shirt with her knife, her eyes started to darken, was that lust? 

"If anything happens, do you have the means to get me out of there?" I couldn't even believe I was thinking about this. 

"Yes Jack, I can get you out. But you won't be caught, you'll make sure no one knows for a long long period of time." she placed her hand on my chest , and I started to tremble. What am I 15?  This woman was intoxicating. 

" Uncuff me, show me you trust me and I will give you my response." I had to see what kind of woman she was. 

She stood there, looking me in the eyes, no emotion on her face, everything changed in her appearance. She was hard like marble, looking into my soul, those green eyes were stripping every layer of skin from my body.  My body tensed. 

Her left arm reached back and drew a key from her back pocket,she uncuffed my feet first and then my arms and stood back. I know she was ready for a fight, I could see it in her composure, she was trained for combat I knew that stance. Was she in the army or something?

I got up from the bed, we were facing each other " Clean up the things you planted in my apartment and let's talk business." I smiled at her, she relaxed just a bit. 

"Right this way mister Jack." she nodded to the door. 

" Oh and Sasha, I hope the payment will be good." I walked to the door and opened it for her. That's how gentlemen act, no? She passed me with a grin. 

Let's hope this will be all she asks of me.

Author's note: Sasha's picture

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