Chapter 5

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I assemble myself off the lift and onto the flat surface before the hill. I watch the guy who was sitting with me get approached by another guy.

I shook realizing it was Niall.

I trembled with fear of him seeing me. I pulled my hood more over my face, trying to be as normal as I could.

"You punched her?" He says shoving at Niall.

I sighed knowing they were referring to me.

Why would he say he punched me? I said I got hit a door! Then again, people don't usually walk into doors like I do..

But how did he know it was Niall who had locked me in the room? Why was he so mad, and assuming I was hit?

I turn to them, slightly staring as I notice the guy from the lift stare up at me, his green eyes angry, and almost black looking.

His eyes sent a chill down my body. I start sliding backward, scared. Why was he coming after me? Well, skiing after me? I slid back further, finding myself being caught in a pair of arms..

I looked up noticing the boy who had opened the door for my not planned escape.

He turned me around so I was facing the hill.

"He's mad, love."

I looked at him, confused out of my mind.

"Go!" He said pushing me down the mountain, not really giving me any choice.

I was a level 6 skier. A bit higher than the average trained skier. I guess it just comes naturally to me.

I go in and out of trees and people, trying to go as fast as possible, not knowing what was going to happen to me. I looked back, seeing the guy who I had previous bumped into, and talked to on the lift; him sounding innocent like he didn't know me there, and now currently coming down the mountain after me, picking up pace fast.

At the bottom if the hill I'm frantic searching for a getaway. I ski towards the lift, and jolt away when finding myself engrossed in yet another pair of arms.

I looked up to see another brown eyed boy. I could see and feel his biceps right now.

"Um I'm kind of in the middle of running for my life, right now!" I shout at him. He nods leading me to the lift, hopping in and pulling the bar down over us.

"Do you know that guy?" I ask looking at the lift chair behind us, holding the unexplained angry guy.

"Yeah, that's Harry." he shrugs calmly.

Harry. Thats who it is. And at the moment I currently do not want to know him.

I scootch away to the very end of the seat, knowing this guy could be planning my kidnap, just like that Niall person. I'm guessing all the guys who've touched me so far are mates with Harry. And at the moment, I have no idea in hell why.

"Liam." He adds, me scootching further I that was even possible right now.

"Why is he chasing me?" I ask monotone, tears brimming my eyes as I see the struggling Harry behind us. Liam moves closer, making me want to jump off the lift.

And I about do when I'm hit with a flying ski pole.

And I blackout before this Liam could even answer me.

A/N: and this has been my immense fail at cliffhangers. ilygsm tho! ;) I've been working hard at updating this, I'm bursting with ideas! I'm trying to find time in my schedule to update Struggle. ilyg! tfbtbre!! (Thanks for being the best readers ever!)

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