Chapter 38

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I continue laying with Harry feeling every possible emotion.

Laying with Harry has become far less foreign, and I like it this way.

Even though Harry is comforting me and he loves me and I... love him, I feel as if half of my heart has disappeared.

My mom and dad are really gone.

It doesn't seem real.

Tears roll down my cheeks again. I bite my lip and hold back sobs.

I turn myself to face Harry.

His eyes are closed.

I nuzzle my head into his chest.

"Thank You."

He smiles and his green eyes open and look into my blue ones.

I look down as he intertwines our hands.

"You're beautiful."

My cheeks redden and he uses his free hand to life my face to look at his.

"And someday you will know that too."

He rolls us over so he's on top of me.

"Maybe just not today." He frowns and traces patterns over my shirt, making me laugh.

"You should laugh more."

I look up at him and smile.

I have nothing to say.

"I love you." He smiles and kisses me again.

"You wanna know something?" He begins, "You're the only person who can make me this happy. When I was told to take care of you I thought I was going to have to annoyed by some bitch but that's so far off."

I giggle at his explanation. "Okay.."

He smiles and plays with a lock of my hair.

"Why'd you hurt me all those times then?"

His expression changes. "I don't mean to it's just I get so angry... I got jealous because I thought you would never love me and then I took it out on you and then realized what a screwup I am."

"You're not a screw up-"

"But I've been trying to control myself, although this morning doesn't really prove that."

"Well, you've made up for it all."

"I hope. Just know that I love you. And I'm sorry for anything I've ever done to hurt you." He hugs me and I lay my head back on his chest.

My mom was right. He is my savior. And I hope my dad sees that now, too.

I'm going to miss my parents with all my heart, and Harry is the only one that can keep my heart beating.

I guess I can say that now, but being me, I'll probably be in shock tomorrow.

"Aren't you going to cook shit with Perrie?" He breaks the silence.

I giggle at his choice of words.

"Maybe in a little while."

"Okay." He smiles and lays with his hands behind his head.

Harry's POV:

Today has been so confusing. I almost hurt Ella again over a damn shower. I had to tell her that her father was sick and never let her know and he passed. But my favorite part was when she told me she loved me.

It's the most amazing thing I the world, when you change for someone. It pays off.

There is nothing better than hearing 'I love you' from the one you've been chasing after.

I close my eyes and listen to Ella's words repeat in my head.

The one who I've fallen for fell for me too.

I love her so much. More than words could even explain.

I want to show her how much I really love her, but I know how she is.

I've decided to start by controlling myself and not lashing out on her.

She was so fragile, hopeless when I got angry. She then saw me as a monster. A killer in a sense to what I have been able to rage on about.

I needed to change for her, I convinced myself while shaking thoughts of a fearful Ella crying on the tiled floor from my mind.

I need to change for us.

And that was final.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when she traces over the ship tattoo on my bicep.

She looks up at me with her shining blue eyes and smiles a warm smile.

I glance down at her as she continues her pattern phase.

Maybe one day our kid would be just like her.


With blue-gray eyes just like hers. I hope it would inherit her amazing smile.

And I hope our child would catch some of her bravery and run with it.

Ella's POV:

I look up at the beautiful boy I've fallen for.

Maybe one day we'd have a beautiful child with curly brown hair just like his.

A little one running around with glowing green eyes like Harry's own.

I hope for it to have his flawless smiles and perfect dimples.

I loved his dimples.

Out of all honesty, I can see our future.

Does he?

Does he even want kids?

I immediately stop my pattern tracing, which I hadn't realized I was still doing and think it over.

He frowns down at me.

"What's wrong?"


"We'll talk later."

Damn he's good.

Too good.

But he's mine. And I guess we can work this out. That's only another step in my life plan of polishing his broken edges.


A/N: ALL MY CHAPTERS KEEP GETTING DELETED WTF. I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in so long, wattpad wouldn't let me ERGHH. Well I'm going to a broadway dinner theatre tomorrow so that's cool. Oh yeah and in my dance studio I'm being promoted to senior company WOO HOO. Anyway I am so sorry this chapter was crap. With all this deleting I couldn't remember what I had written the first few times. Ilygsm ytbre and dftby as my best friend courtenay says. (it means Don't forget to be yourself). ilysm bye.

Polishing The EdgesWhere stories live. Discover now