Chapter 15

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I woke up on the same position I fell asleep. This time, I was able to easily slip out of Harry's hold. I quietly made my way downstairs, finding Perrie cooking in the kitchen.

She still had a large grin smothered on her face.

She looked around and then whispered to me, "He wants you." I looked at her confused, and the continued out of the kitchen.

I rounded the corner, expecting to find Niall.

"Niall?" I looked around. "Liam's gonna kill you! You're supposed to be resting." I continued my search. I neared the door when Louis yelled, "She's onto us, EVERYBODY RUN!" And the boys scattered off in different directions, laughing their heads off.

"Perrie, what the hell are they doing?"

"They're having fun." She laughed at her own comment.

I walked down the hall, almost turning into the bedroom when I found a pair of Jordan's sticking out from behind the curtain. I ripped open the curtain, finding a red-faced Niall.

"What the hell are you doing?" He broke down laughing. "I guess this means you're feeling better." He kept laughing, without answering me.

I almost jumped out of my own skin, hearing Harry clear his throat behind me. Now it was my turn to run. I darted into the bedroom, failing to lock the door, so I ran into the bathroom, and shoved myself out the window, landing on the roof.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yells at me through the window.

"Getting away from you."

"I guess you didn't get the message not to talk to HIM." He grew more outraged at every step I took across the roof.

"Why can't I talk to him, he's harmless!"

"Because YOU ARE MINE. I CLAIMED YOU FIRST." He yelled, chasing me across the roof. I climbed down a tree and onto the ground, running down the road, as he chased me.

"I'm not a slave, you can't CLAIM ME." I spit back. "And I don't want you anyway." My voice grew quieter, as I felt the world spinning. I stopped and sat myself down on the edge of the road, hoping I'd black out before I can face Harry's abuse.

Sometimes, anxiety attacks are a gift.

A/n: sorry for the late update I've been busy and haven't had much writing time ily ytbre

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