Chapter 23

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"Leave before I do it for you." He threatens me.

I just stand in the room like an idiot, letting the nightmare seal itself.

And before I can predict any further, I'm yanked from the ground with forceful hands around my stomach.

I cry and wince as the pain maximizes by a million.

"Why can't you ever control yourself?" I say loud enough for the Harry behind the anger to hear me.

But it's no use. Only the enraged Harry hears me.

"Control myself?" he scoffs. "You're the one who can't mind your own god damn business!" He shouts as my back makes contact with a wall.

I wrap myself into a ball and try to drown out the pain.

I sigh. When will my savior come, mom?

I know I'm only listening to myself, but at the moment, I feel as if I'm handed a bit of hope, to get me through.

You're stronger than you think Ella.

I uncover my face to find Harry, breathing hard, facing the wall. And I swear I see his eyes turn back into the same shiny green I came to favor this morning. And I knew I was safe, as I slip into another one of my famous anxiety attacks.

Harry's POV:

What have I done? I look at the floor to find a bruised and unconscious Ella laying on the floor.

"No no no no no no no!" I shout and mentally slap myself as I kneel down to lift her head into my lap.

"Why do I have to be such a screwup?" I rest my face into my hands.

Ella doesn't move.

I find myself lifting her shirt to reveal her stomach, bruised and bleeding in some areas.

What the hell was wrong with me?

The fragile girl in front of me didn't deserve any of this.

And she was on her period.

The moment flashes through my head, again and again.

And I embarrassed her, took her down with her weak spot.

What is wrong with me?

I feel my eyes water as I lean down to hold the depriving body in my arms.

When has she eaten last? Her hip bones are noticeable through her pale skin.

I know this is all my fault.

I hold her up and kiss her face over and over again, only wishing it could go away.

But I can't redo what has been done.

And as I stare at the lifeless body in my hands, I realize it.

Hours pass and Ella doesn't wake.

Regret is the hardest thing to live with.

Especially if the person never lives for your apology.

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