Chapter 14

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I was still in pain, but it was more bearable now. I could walk okay with little to no wall support. I went to go down the stairs, which was more of a challenge.

On the first step I tripped over my own feet, falling to the ground. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. I opened my eyes, realizing I was just inches from the ground.

I was scooped up by an annoyed Harry. "Did I say leave?" He questioned.

He set me down in the kitchen where I found Perrie. "Are you okay?" She gushed, hugging me.

"I've fallen down stairs before." I giggled.

"No, I meant about, um uh.." She stuttered noticing Harry still in the background, "When you cut yourself in the woods." She tried to make it as general as possible.

"I'm fine, Perrie." I giggled. But truthfully, I didn't know if I was okay from Harry's impact.

I glanced over, hoping Harry was gone, but he was still standing there. Just closer now, and smiling like a retard.

"What?" I questioned his awkward smile.

He snapped out of his daze and just walked away. I wanted to know, but was certainly not going to follow him.

I sighed looking back at Perrie. "I'm fine, by the way. The bruises down hurt as much right now." She smiled at me.

She kept smiling to herself all through cooking dinner. We sat down at the table and ate. After I finished, I looked at her, awkwardly. She was still smiling. "Okay, are you going to tell me what that smile was about?" She just giggled to herself and cleared our dishes and walked off with Zayn, who was also smiling like a retard.

What the hell was happening! Why did everyone keep doing that?!

I glanced around, looking for something to do. I walked over to Niall, where his still was on the couch.

"Hey." I greeted, sitting next to him.

"I was hoping you'd come over." He blushed. And I smiled down at my feet.

He cut me out if my thoughts, "Liam says I can't eat for 24 hours, to give my body a healing time." I giggled at him. "But, I want to eat so bad!" He laughed at himself, and I joined in.

Niall was definitely my favorite guy here. He was in a terrible condition, which made mine look like nothing. But he was still so sweet.

"Well," He began. "Let's watch this." He smirks and pulls out The Conjuring from under the blanket.

"You just happened to have that? I giggled at him. I put in the movie and pressed play. He tried to sit up to be with me, but I instantly pushed him back down. "You're not going anywhere." I smirked at him and he sighed in defeat.

We were far into the movie, and I practically jumped at everything. I guess I'm just a naturally jumpy person. Every time I jumped, I could see Niall wanting to cuddle me for a while.

The movie ended, and it was now midnight. " I hope nothing attacks me when I leave." I laughed. "Goodnight." I kissed him on the forehead, leaving him on the couch where he strictly had to stay.

I made my way upstairs and entered the room I've been staying in. I opened the door slowly. I quietly stepped in the room, noticing Harry sleeping.


No. Ella.

I sighed, laying down as far away from him as possible. I settled down, trying to fall asleep. I jump when I'm pulled into Harry. "You're so gullible. I wasn't even sleeping." He laughs into my neck.

I look down, his arms around my stomach. I tried to get out of his grip, but he just held me closer.

I sighed. "Why am I here?" I asked extremely monotone.

He just pretends to sleep, not answering me.

"I know you're not sleeping." I nudge him and he smiles, keeping his emerald orbs hidden behind his eyelids.

I give up and just fall asleep in his arms. Not that I hated it. Just that I was tired and sore as hell.

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