Chapter 20

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I'm about halfway down the road when my stomach twists into cramps.

Damn periods.

I turn around and hobble back to the house.

"What are you doing?" Harry questions, confused.

Definitely not telling him what was really going on.

"Going back."

"I thought you were running away?" He smirks and follows a few feet behind me.

"I forgot, I hate cardio." I lie.

"No you don't." he swiftly replies.

What the hell...? Did he have access to my life record or something?

"Um, yes I do.." I lie again.

"I found you skiing."

Damn. Almost forgot.

"And you're very fit." I feel his gaze burn down my body. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong."

"Yes. Something is."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I love you."

I'm pretty sure the choking sound I just made caught him off guard.

This is the second time today he's taken me by major surprise.

"Caring about someone and loving them is different. You don't even know who I am anyway."

"How did this turn into knowing who you are?"

"Since you can't mind your own business."

He sighs and then walks next to me. "If you don't tell me, I'll find out. And that's not a threat, that's a promise."

"I've heard worse."

"Doubt it."

I was not going to talk about my personal problems with him. I've barely known him a week.

He just told you he loves you. My sub-conscience butts in.

The cramps hit me full force again when I get to the driveway, and I almost want to just lay down in the middle of the road and wait for it to stop.

Instead, my body takes different actions and decides to try and keep walking.

My mind can't keep up with my feet and I trip and hit the cement.

"Ella!" Harry's screams and I head his converse slapping against the cold cement.

He reaches me and kneels next to me. "Are you okay?" He searches me for marks like I'm a toddler who just fell off a two wheeler.

Since when does he care if I get hurt? Just a few days ago he was throwing me around like I was a freaking yoyo. And now he's treating me like an antique vase that just shattered against the floor.

"Wow." I sigh in realization. "In just five minutes I hit the ground and got my p-, pants dirty." Wow. Great coverup Ella.

"I can carry you inside?" He suggests and I don't think I've ever scrambled to my feet faster in my life.

"I'm fine, really." I lie and try my best to walk away like nothing just happened.

The cramps intensify as I reach the bedroom and Harry follows closely behind me.

"Could you not walk so close?" I snap.

He moves close enough so our bodies are touching, and he smirks.

"I have things to deal with that don't involve your games."

"Like what? Recovering from your fall as one. But cleaning your 'Dirty Pants'? Ella, they're not even dirty."

Was the lie that noticeable?

He's the last person I need all up in my personal problems.

Well except for the fact that he's the rest of the problems, except for being a woman of course.

"Yeah well, they look dirty to me." I try to comeback.

"I know you-." He's interrupted from stating the obvious when Liam walks in.

"Oh great! Lets just all worry about my problems right now!" I comment and walk to the bathroom and shut and lock the door. Not forgetting to shut the window with the curtains, already learning that lesson.

I think I hear Liam mumble something about me to Harry before I sit on the edge of the bath.

I'm hoping, just praying Harry doesn't go saying anything to embarrass me throughout the whole house.


A/N: YTBRE!! (You're the best readers ever) for those of you who don't know from my earlier posts. I'm trying to update as much as possible but there's like nooooo timeeeee!! I did a triple update in the last 24 hours... Two Last night after the Super Bowl and this one now haha XD ily(:

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