Watch Where You're Going

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Kirk and Marie walked onto the academy campus grounds, which also served as the headquarters of Starfleet, Marie still clutching the small pack of ice to her cheek. It was late, and not many people were around. Marie and Kirk headed towards Admiral Pike's office, where they figured Spock would be near. Sure enough, the two men were waiting outside the door when Marie and Kirk walked up.

"Ensign, what are you doing here?"

"Captain Kirk asked me to accompany him, sir. I'll head home now"

"No, why don't you wait outside. I might need to talk to you, and I want to see what happened to your cheek"

"Yes sir"

Marie sat on the bench across from the Admiral's office and waited while Spock and Kirk went through the doors. About ten minutes later, Spock walked out.

"Where's Kirk?"

"The admiral is still talking to him. What happened to your face, Ensign?"

"I was assaulted outside Kirk's building"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that could happen"

"It's not your fault, don't worry"

Spock nodded.

"Good evening, Miss Stanton"

"Good evening Mr. Spock"

Marie continued to wait, until James came out of Pike's office.

"Captain, is everything alright?"

"The admiral wants to see you. I'm going home"

"Goodnight captain"

"Goodnight ensign"

Admiral Pike motioned Marie into his office once James turned to walk away.

"Ensign Stanton. Tell me, what happened to your cheek?"

"A man punched me, sir"

"Where? Certainly not on campus I hope"

"No sir, it was outside Captain Kirk's apartment building. I was going to fetch him for Mr. Spock and a man grabbed me and punched me.

"Well I see you've got it all taken care of"

"Yes sir"

"I have another question for you, Ensign. What happened on Nibiru?"

"Sir, I assume you are referring to the away mission with the volcano, and I wish I could tell you exactly what happened, but I was unconscious"

"Unconscious? You have a knack for getting hurt it seems"

"No sir, Doctor Bones put me under. See, Captain Kirk and I were observing the natives, and they saw us, and we were forced to jump into the ocean. I am afraid of deep water, and when the captain and I made it back onto the ship, my stress levels were so high that the doctor put me under to relax my body"

"I see. Go on"

"Sorry sir, that's all I know. By the time I woke up, we were on our way home"

"Hmm. Thank you ensign. You're dismissed"

Marie left quickly. She returned home and finally got the chance to sleep for the rest of the night.

When Marie woke up the sun was shining brightly through her floor to ceiling apartment windows. She stretched and showered and dressed in street clothes. She had one more day off before returning to work at Starfleet headquarters. Just as she was swallowing the last of her oatmeal breakfast, there was a huge explosion outside. Marie shrieked and ran to her window. She gasped in horror as she saw how close the smoke and flames were to Kirk's apartment building. Marie raced outside and across town, the opposite direction of all the people running away from the danger. One man slammed into her and they both fell to the ground. Marie scraped her elbow on the pavement when she landed. The strange man stood up instantly.

"Watch where you're-oh, I'm sorry miss"

He offered her a hand and she took it, allowing him to pull her to her feet while people panicked and ran past them. He held onto her hand for longer than necessary while gazing into her eyes. The man had dark hair, slicked back on the sides, and sharp cheekbones.

"My name is John, John Harrison"

"I'm Marie Stanton"

"Pleasure to meet you"

He kissed her hand and Marie blushed.

"I really must be going Miss Marie, but I hope I can see you again someday"

The man winked and rushed off. Marie shook her head to clear it of John's piercing stare before racing up the steps to Kirk's apartment. She barged through his door and found him sitting on the couch staring blankly at the wall.

"James! You're alright! I was so worried"

James looked listlessly at Marie.

"They took the Enterprise away from me"

"Oh James, I'm so sorry"

Marie wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"You need to get up and get out of this apartment. Come on, we're going out tonight"

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