Authors Note. Q&A

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Authors Note. Q&A.

HI GUYS! This is my first official Authors Note chapter. I will be answering any common questions I get but if you don't wish to read this then just wait until the next update! I am really excited because I like my readers to know me quite well. I was actually going to do this after chapter 14 but I kind of forgot about it! Haha! So here we are... nine chapters down the line. I hope you stick around for this and don't forget to vote! Thank you!

Q1) What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from?  
-My full name is Samirah Zaman but go by the names Samsam or Sammy. I am 15 and turning 16 this year and live in the UK.

Q2) How long have you been a Belieber for?
-I have been part of this family right from the start in 2009 and I will forever be here. He had me from 'Aye' 

Q3) What is your favourite thing about being in this family?
-Er... I actually have no idea. I guess I it would have to be how supportive we are of one another and how we all have each other's backs in Twitter arguments or something. It’s the close bond we share for one another and the lengths we would go to make another Belieber really happy. 

Q4) What is the thing that you hate the most?
- Haha! Er the thing that annoys me the most would have to be... people copying me. It literally makes me want to pull my hair out and then punching that person square in the face. Even now, I am really REALLY annoyed just thinking about it. I don't care whether you are copying words that I use, clothing items or stuff that I do. Omg. This one girl though went on and on about how much she thinks Wattpad it stupid and as soon as she found out I was on it, she went and made an account. The thing that annoys me the most is why don't you just ADMIT you copied me. Urgh! Moving on.

Q5) What is your most hated word?
-Bruv. I absolutely fucking hate that word. Omfg. I just hate it. Grrr.

Q6) What other fanbases are you a part of?
- Er I am a #Mayniac and have been since Summer 2010. (August 3rd to be exact). Nothing else to be honest. I used to be obsessed with Austin, not so much anymore. I love Demi Lovato and her music, and I absolutely adore Miley Cyrus. She is so beautiful. I also like Katy Perry :)

Q7) What is your all-time favourite song?
- Fall

Q8) What is your all-time favourite song? (Minus Justin)
-Wrecking Ball. (I am actually listening to it right now). The song holds sentiment to me.

Q9) Who is your girl crush?
-Miley Cyrus followed by J-Law and then Demi Lovato

Q10) Do you have a best friend?
-I found this question funny for some reason. A lot of people assume I don't because of the 'way I am'. I do have a best friend. I actually have THREE! :O. My school best friend is Jardel. You can check out her Wattpad page @IAmJardel. Outside of school I have my boy best friend Caleb and my girl best friend Chelsea. I don't really like the whole best friend idea and I have serious trust issues. Haha!

Q11) What was your inspiration to write 'Fall'?
-I will be honest and tell you that I have no idea. AI guess you could say the song ‘Fall’. At the time of starting Fall I had only one story called Drowning and it was a Conor Maynard Fanfiction. It was doing fairly well. I had 8,000 reads or something and a couple of hundred votes, so I thought to myself that I would write another Fanfiction about Justin. It started off slow and I barely updated but then slowly the reads and votes went up and here we are now at 46.5K reads and 1,243 votes with only 23 chapters. I never once thought it would do better than my first story but even though we are 38 chapters behind we have over 3K more reads and only need less than 500 votes to catch up.

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