Ch@pter 10

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The group walked to the village where Jenenji lived.

"You know you didn't have to come" Inuyasha complained for the hundredth time.

"Yes I did" Sky retorted "Stop your complaining. Its irritating me" A hint of cold warning held her voice which Inuyasha, for some reason, found too familiar.

Inuyasha grumbled something under his breath.
"We are here" Kagome excitedly announced walking up to a medicinal farm. There was a huge half-demon weeding the field.

"Hey Jenenji!" Kagome called out running towards him.

"Oh hello Kagome" Jenenji greeted.

Kagome smiled gently "I need your help"

The medic demon nodded "Let's get inside" he stood up moving towards his hut where he and his old mother lived. Some months ago in their quest Kagome and Inuyasha came across him and helped himself prove innocent to the villagers and gaining the respect of a healer.

The others followed Jenenji and Kagome inside. Sky, with an unconscious Shippo in her arms, got inside the hut too.

"So what do you want my help with?" Jenenji asked Kagome as his old mother rushed to serve tea to the visitors.

Sky slowly placed Shippo in front of the healer.

"Let me see" He began to look at the kit demon. "I see. He suffers from an aura facture. Was it due to the strange gust of conflicting energies in the wind?"

"Yes" Both, Sky and Kagome, answered. Sky's cheeks went red with guilt.

"I'm sorry to tell you all, but I'm out of the devil snare" Jenenji apologized.

"It's okay" Kagome said a bit disappointed.

"But you can get it from the dark forest in the west!" He gave a solution "Just go straight west and down the cliff. But do be careful the devil snare can kill you. Do not struggle when it gets hold of you. It will kill you quickly if you do. Show them light and they'll go still."

Everyone nodded, taking in the information Jenenji gave them.

"Thank you" Kagome said and got up. The gang got out of the hut to follow the direction Jenenji gave them.

"I'm sorry" Sky apologised.

"What for?" Sango asked.

"It is all because of me" She confessed.

"Feh," Inuyasha interrupted "you were fighting. You did nothing. Now stop whining" his voice came out commanding. It sent a sense of relief in Sky. They didn't hold her responsible for all this, she was glad.

Kagome smiled secretly admiring Inuyasha's concern at the new comer's discomfort.

Inuyasha noticed Kagome's reaction to her observation and blushed "What? I'm saying this because we don't have time for whining babies. The sooner we get that little jerk healed the better. We are lagging behind in our quest"

"Its alright Inuyasha" Kagome waved it off "I get it" she dropped the topic and held Sky's hand "tell us about yourself, Sky"

"Um," Sky thought for a while feeling uneasy to open up "My full name is Skylar Albarn. I'm in the last year of my highschool and I live with my brother, Takumi" she breifed about herself.

"Well, what of your parents?" Miroku asked.

Sky hesitated a bit but then got over it "Well they died when I was ten. We lived in Russia at that time as my father had a job there."

"What is Russia?" Sango asked not knowing anything of the place beyond the sea.

"Well it's a country." Kagome hastly said, knowing that explaing the modern to her feudal friend would be hopeless. "Anyways the sooner we get there the better".


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Love ya<3

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