Ch@pter 39

822 25 2

Sky followed Koga to wherever he was taking her. One thing is for sure he was taking her to Rem.
She sighed and wondered whether or not he'll be happy to help her, considering the fact that she let her temper get the best of her the last time that they met.

She let her gaze linger on Koga's back as he walked ahead of her. She was glad his gang was helping her. If it weren't for the people around her, she doubts she would have even been able collect one stone. She is one hell of an incompetent guardian.

Koga could feel her stare. He was going to interrupt her with a sarcastic remark but his nose caught on a scent. He abruptly stopped and sniffed the air around.

"What is it, boss?" Hakkaku asked as the other three too stopped.

"Rem is close by" He told Sky.

"Which way?" Sky excitedly asked.

Koga pointed towards west "I am sure he is there."

Sky gave a nod. "Thanks Koga" She said "I owe you a big one."

"You sure you want to go alone?" Koga asked.

"Yup" Sky replied "Also I wouldn't want to hamper you quest."

Koga gave an understanding nod. "Fine, just don't run into trouble" Koga gave her a friendly punch.

"I'll try" Sky chuckled and returned his friendly gesture. This left Koga speechless and smiling.

Sky ran towards the pointed direction, hoping that Rem doesn't leave.

"See you around, sister" Ginta and Hakkaku wished as they walked the opposite direction. Koga let his hand up his chest, where his heart was beating funny. She surely has bewitched him. 'She really is something, isn't she?' He thought as he broke into a run.

Rem looked down the gorge and closed his eyes. He heard footsteps he knew too well now. He gave a sad smile as he let the wind ruffle his blue hair. He took a deep breath and turned around just when he sensed the footsteps stop close behind him.

"You have retrieved the first stone I see!" He said.

"Well I guess I did!" She replied "And the mountain got destroyed."

"Well that I witnessed." He remarked.

Sky fiddled with her fingers for a while before she apologized "I am sorry for last time. I was really rude and must have hurt you." She bit her lips as she looked down.

Rem took a couple of steps towards her and let his right hand on her shoulder "You are forgiven." He smiled.

Sky returned the smile. "So now tell me" She began "Where can I get the next stone."

Rem looked at the blue sky above for a while and then chuckled. "Well it will be hard to get there."

"I will find a way. Tell me" Sky innocent said.

"It's in the grave." Rem answered.

"What grave?" She questioned.

"The demon's grave." Rem clarified. Seeing her confused look he continued "It lies on the boundary between this world and the next. It is also the place where the grave of the great demon Inotashio, lies." He looked at the human intently.

"And he is?" Sky asked. For some reason that name sounded familiar yet her memory was hazy.

"He was Lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father" he answered.

"Oh" Sky said feeling silly for not knowing.

"How can I get there?" She asked.

"I'm sure a certain somebody just said that she will find a way." He smirked.

Sky blushed in embarrassment. "Oh you just wait, I'll get there." She stomped like a child.

Rem just gave a voiceless laugh. "See you after you get back from there then!"

Sky glared at him. Was he mocking her? He better not!
As he disappeared again to god knows where. She sighed.

"Well a lot of work to do" She said to herself. "I better get home first." She decided and walk towards Kaede's village to return home and give her family and friends some good news.

Yo! How's everything going? Enjoying? Or is it just a bore? If it is do tell I'll try to do better.
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Love ya. See you all soon 😊

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