Ch@pter 20

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"She was here alright and so was that mangy wolf" Inuyasha confirmed as he sniffed around.

"Let's follow her trail then" Sango suggested.

They walked through the woods for a couple of hours, Inuyasha their guide. Miroku was looking at the blue sky above. By the positioning of the sun he could tell it was a little past noon. Before he could suggest a rest he tripped over something.

"Miroku!" Sango ran to help him up.

Miroku pulled his leg to see what tripped him. The strap of what seemed like a brown bag was tangled to his leg.

"That belongs to Sky!" Shippo jumped to check behind the bush "But where is she?"

A stern look spread across his face.
"Inuyasha.." Kagomi trailed off "I hope she's okay" She prayed.

"She better be" He breifly said and began to follow the scent of men, blood and horses.


Sky climbed up from her hiding. To be safe last night, she decided upon remaining there untill next day and only dared to come up after sun rise. She huffed heavily, still cautious of making much noise. Now that she think about it, Inuyasha wasn't all that bad. She realised last night that she could've calmly handled her situation with Inuyasha instead of losing her temper.
Her stomach grumbled for food, and so she began to look for food.

The blue haired demon, Rem, silently observed a rather odd looking girl climbing up an apple tree to pluck some of those. Even from the distance he could notice her slight shiver.

He was pulled out of his trance as he noticed her slip on a branch and with his demonic speed he caught her before her tired body could hit the ground.

Sky was feeling a little week but still she descided agaist her better judgement to climb up the apple tree only to slip and fall. She went stiff, ready to hit the ground but she never did. A pair of strong arms caught her weak frame and the first person whom she visioned was Inuyasha. As soon as she opened her eyes she looked up only to meet a pair of ocean blue eyes.

"You look tired" He said.

"That's because I'm" Sky replied as she got off his strong arms to stand on her wobbling feet. A sense of deja-vu hit her which prompted her to frown.

"Then I suggest you to not tire yourself more" His silky voice suggested as a soft smile graces his lips.

"Thank you, I would." She cautiously spoke "After I find my friends".

"My name is Rem" Rem smiled smelling her hesitation to be around him. He was somewhat surprised that she dosn't remember him.

She gave a genuine smile "Thanks for saving me! I'm Skylar".

A frown invaded Rem's forehead. Maybe it's not her afterall. But her features... how many silver haired humans roam this land adorned with golden eyes? He thought. But he shook his thoughts off.

"May I help you, young lady" Rem offered.

Sky gave a small laugh "Well you can get me some handful of apples from up there" She pointed up with her pointer.

Rem gave a nod and with one graceful leap he was on a hight branch plucking apples and in seconds he was back on the ground handing her half a dozen of apples.

"Say, Skylar?" He spoke while handing her the treat to which she hummed "where are you from? I'm certain you look like someone familiar to me".

Sky froze for a second recalling yesterday's event and realising there is someone hunting for her. And with that situation around and the Naraku business she couldn't afford to mess up more, she had already stepped into danger before time. Gosh, this impulsive behaviour always got the better of her.
"Um... not from around here" She began "I came here with my friends for a little bit of sight seeing" She gave a nervous laugh.

"Shall I help you to find your lost friends?" Rem sincierly asked.

Sky waved her hand as she got a little stiff and alert at the same time. "Oh I'll be doing fine finding them on my own" She tried not to sound too rude. He helped her get her breakfast afterall.

Rem sensed her multiple emotions and stepped back not wanting to force on her "As you please" He sort of bowed to her and left the area.
As he continued running he shook his head. 'She can't be the same girl he once knew. Her mind is too unstable and her body a little too fragile for that girl to be her.' He exhaled heavily as he came to a stop, but his thoughts kept running
'Also her surviving 200years is rather impossible. She was a human after all'. He thought as he closed his eyes 'This Skylar girl resembling her must be a game of chance. Afterall coincidences happen...'


Here's the new chapter, guys :) Do review and comment!
Love ya♡

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