Ch@pter 5

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Mrs Higurashi showed them girls around. Telling them tales and myths about the artifacts found there a long time ago, belonging to feudal age and beyond. She even introduced them to her father, who talked a lot about demons and ways to defend from them with his stack of sutras.

They were having a fun time there when Mia got a call from her mother, she needed Mia to pick her brother from his school as he was having a half day as last day of school and she was busy. Mia took her leave but Yui and Sky decided to stay a bit longer.

Yui was busily talking to Grandpa, the priest of the shrine who happily allowed them to call him that. Sky came across an old shed. It gave her a sense of familiarity. In the back of her mind she was struggling to remember. She tried to scan through the memory lane as to when she visited this place.

She could sense the powerful aura around the shed. She could see that the aura held strong powers as if acting as a bridge to some place beyond reach. She could feel something calling to her deep inside. Something, whose memories has been blurred or distorted with time. She couldn't remember things beyond a certain point and she knew the memory beyond that was an important one. The bands around her wrists began to vibrate and heat up.

"Dear," Mrs Higurashi stood to her left "What at you looking at?" Her gentle voice brought her to the present.

"This shed" She spoke after a brief pause. Yui came up to join them in front of the shed "What is inside it?" She asked expectantly.

After a bit of hesitation, she nodded in agreement and slid the door open. "Let's be careful inside, we don't want any injuries," She said in a motherly tone. Sky stepped in but as soon as she did. She saw a flash of vision. A memory of a lost time resurfaced.

"Help" The little girl sobbed as she found herself at the bottom of a deep hole. How she got there? She doesn't Remember.

"Who's there" A middle-aged man peeked in only to find a little silver haired girl, covered in dirt, at the bottom of the shrine well.

"Help" She slowly cried

"Hold on" He reassured her.

"What is it, father?" She could hear a female voice ask.

"A child has fallen into the bone eaters Well. I should have sealed it." The man's voice said. Soon a ladder was let down and the man carried her out of the Well. When she came out in the warm arms of the man she saw a woman standing in front of her holding a bundle in her hand.

"Are you hurt dear?" The woman asked.

"Who are you" She whispered in a broken tone with sobs here and there.

"You can call me Mrs Higurashi" She answered in a gentle tone. "Where is your mother dear?"

"Dead" the child answered her face in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear!" Mrs Higurashi apologised as the man let the child down on the ground. She stood there like a lost child, fiddling with her fingers nervously, her eyes rimmed with tears she refused to let flow. Her sobs were loud.

"Come with me, I'll get you cleaned," Mrs Higurashi said offering her hand for her to hold. She took it. "By the way," She said as they began to walk towards the house "What shall I call you, dear?"

"Har.." she stopped in mid-sentence "Skylar" she finally answered. Yes, that should be her name from this day onwards. For some reason, she felt as if it was a chance for her to start anew in this strange place. Start anew from what? She couldn't recall.

"Hey, Sky?!" Yui waved her hand in front of her face "We need you back to earth!"

Sky blinked back to reality. "What is it dear?" Mrs Higurashi asked, "Is something the matter?"

"I remember" She whispered

"Remember what?" Yui asked loudly.

"I.. Was found here" She slowly said looking towards the lady who graced her with kindness long time ago when she was lost and cold and wounded.

Mrs Higurashi's eyes widened as realisation dawned on her "Skylar?"

Skylar nodded as she stepped inside the shed to see the bone eaters well.

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