Ch@pter 14

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"Hey, Skylar!" Inuyasha called out as he sped to catch her. He must admit, she was damn fast for a human. He being a half demon too didn't help the fact that she was somewhat outrunning him.

His gang followed close. Miroku too ran to catch up to her while the girls rode on Kirara.

"Skylar, stop!" He commanded. But there was no stopping, she kept running.

Inuyasha took a good amount of thrust from the tree ahead to jump over and in front of her. He stopped and stood tall.

Momentum had the upper hand, Skylar couldn't stop in time to dodge the block in her path, aka, Inuyasha. She ended up colliding with the tall hanyou. And ended up falling on her butt.

"What's wrong with you?" He yelled at her.

"I want to go home. I don't... I..." She broke into a sob.

All reached the scene to witness the girl sob.

Kagome got off Kirara and crouched down beside her. She placed her hand on her shoulder "It's okay!"

Inuyasha humphed and crouched down with his back facing her "Get on we need to get you home," He offered "Safe" He added. Skylar passively obeyed.

Kagome gave a small smile to Inuyasha before all got ready to deliver both the 'futureites' home.

Inuyasha ran towards the bone eaters well. "Stupid" He commented. Sky timidly clutched his kimono as the wind blew past her "You let that good for nothing pompus ass make you cry" Sky flinched a bit. She was too sad and struck to protest or speak up.

He finally stopped near the well and let her down. Sky sighed in relief.
Kagome got beside her and held her hand. "Let's go".
Both the girls waved good bye to their feudal friends and jumped into the well along with Inuyasha.
Blue light surrounded them and when Sky looked up, she saw wooden roof instead of blue sky. Inuyasha held her and Kagome and got out of the well.

"Here we are!" Kagome attempted to cheer her up "Home"

Sky pondered about the word "home". The memories from her past assulted her. She felt more of a coward and didn't wish to be around anyone. She felt incapable of being anything.

The shead door slid opene as Kagome pulled her out. There were sobs here and there. And there was this one voice she caught that made her feel safe. She walked towards the voice.

"Where are you going?" Kagome asked. They turned around a corner to the main shrine.

"Are you sure?" The blond guy asked Grandpa Higurashi.

"Takumi?" She sobbed. He turned around to find his sister all timid and vulnerable. She ran to him and broke down in his embrace.

Inuyasha carefully studied the blond with green eyes. Kagome got a bit nervous. The guy, Sky claimed her brother, just turned out to be her science teacher.

"Oh, you are back Kagome" Her mother approched her "Skylar!" Mrs Higurashi exclaimed "I'm so glad you are alright. We were so worried!" She went beside Sky and rubbed her back. "Let's go inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate" She passed a sweet smile to her which the girl tried to return.

Takumi helped her into the house and sat on the sofa together.
"It's alright" He whispered in her ears "all is fine"

"And who are you?" Inuyasha asked, sitting on all his four.

"Inuyasha! Don't be rude!" Kagome reprimanded.

"What? I'm just asking!" He defended.
Both started a staring contest which made Sky chuckle a bit to which Inuyasha's ear twiched. He turned to look at her.

Sky was all wrapped in Takumi's strong protective arms, just like he would when she had nightmares as a child.

"What are you laughing at?" He lightly stated as he slipped his hands under his sleeves. He then started to stare at Takumi and observed his features.

"I'm Takumi" He spoke up, somewhat startling Inuyasha out of his river of thoughts. "Her big brother. And you are?"

"Here you go!" Mrs Higurashi intrrupted them as she entered the room and handed the beverage gently to Sky.

"Thanks" Sky said. The woman kept the cups on the nearby table and left.

"I asked you a question" Takumi simply stated taking a sip from his tea while Sky got out of his arms to enjoy her hot chocolate as she now sat cross legged on the couch.

"Feh" Was all Inuyasha responded with.

"He's Inuyasha" Kagome intrupted "I'm sorry sir for his rudeness. He gets that way at times" She shot a glare at Inuyasha when she said the last part.

"I suggest you 'sit' him, Kagomi" Sky spoke as she wiped her lips with her sleeves.
Inuyasha comically jumped across the room to the other end "Don't you even dare!" He warned.

Sky laughed at that. This sent a wave of relief through Takumi. He smiled faintly.

"Say Takumi," Sky began.


"Gramps was to come today. But you are here and so am I. Who is going to pick him up?"

"He arrived yesterday itself" Takumi cleared "Did you expect him to waste time after his granddaughter went missing?" Both the siblings smiled at each other.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

Sky fummbled with her hands a searching for an explaination that nevercame.

"To the feudal era" Kagome answered instead "She somehow was able to get through the bone eaters well."

"The halfbreed is from that era?" Takumi asked. To which Kagomi hesitantly nodded. "I see. Is that why you miss school?"

"I'm sorry sir. But really if it weren't important I wouldn't miss school so much" Kagome began to bow apologetically.

"Just keep up with school to get into highschool" Takumi adviced "I hope you are prepared for the test" He got up and so did Sky "Let's leave, Lark" He held her hand and took his leave from the Higurashi residence with Sky.

Sky took a last look towards the shed where the bone eaters' well was housed. Takumi gave a light tug for her to keep up the pace. By dusk both the siblings reached their residence and was greeted by their grandfather who was worried sick about his granddaughter.


Heads up, here's the new chapter!
So tell how's the story line going :)
Well I'm a little low on inspiration right now. Will sure love a spark of an idea.

Love ya all!

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