Ch@pter 24

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Hey guys! Its been long, I know I'm a terrible author! I should probably be sliced into pieces.
Well here's the new chapter! I know the story is somewhat loosely fit but believe me I'm trying.
Gawd, that's a hellova long note!. I'll leave you to read the chapter now.
Enjoy! Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!


Sky rummaged through her bag while Lady Kaede kept on staring her.

Sky sighed. Perhaps she was called an old hag for a reason.
Man, is she hard to shake off! She's been following her around all day!

Her bag was way smaller than Kagome's. While Kagomi carried almost everthing from books to soaps, all she had was a pair of clothes, a water bottel, some snacks, a knife and a note book and pen and her sleeping bag.
She took out her notepad and checked the calendar and counted.
Inuyasha left her with Kaede, because for him she was too weak to travel. But she beg to differ. She felt all fine and fit.

She did notice everyone but Shippo give her a wary eye. But that was expected, wasn't it? Even if she were in their place she would be careful and wary of someone like herself.

She slowly got up, zipping her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"Where are ye goin' child?"Kaede interrupted as she observed her put on her shoes.

"Home." She answered before turning away from her scrutinizing gaze and headed towards the bone eaters well.

She almost made it to the bone eater's Well before she felt someone behind her and then there was darkness.

Sky got up to meet darkness. She helped herself sit up as the chains clanked.
She looked down her wrist to see herself cuffed in chain.

She sweat dropped as she realised what happened.

"Oh man! I'm lost again!" She messed her hair "Why is it always me?" She huffed and puffed.

A priestess got down the stairs as Sky kept complaining about her luck, troubles and people abducting her.

Sky turned around as she sensed her aura.

"You're awake" The priestess plainly said.

"May I ask why was I unconscious in the first place?" Sky sassed

The priestess held her by the chin. "I won't let you sell them to that spider"

"S-Sell? Who?" Sky managed.

"You know exactly who" the priestess roughly let go of her chin "do you really believe that you were alone with that demon when you agreed to become the 'guardian' for his 'sisters'?"

Sky looked at her "It's none of your business" She hissed.

"It is" She flatly stated.

"I can't see how" Sky sassed

"I'm Priestess Maka. My family Albarn has been looking after the gate-keeper Kokoru and Momoru ever since their protector died." She introduced.

Something ticked inside of Sky "Albarn huh?" A smile invaded her lips.

"What are you smiling for?"Maka tensed, the smile made her nervous.

"Look lady, it's in your best interest to let me go. Now that you have reminded me, I've got a place to be."
Sky said in a cool tone.

"You think you can intimidate me?" Lady Maka asked.

Sky gave her a blank stare "I don't intend to" She chuckled "By the way what time is it?"

Lady Maka said nothing she just stared at the silver haired figure in front of her. What she couldn't understand was, just a while ago she looked so confused and messed up but now with that air of confidence and dominance, she couldn't grasp on to both the conflicting behaviour.

A wave of shock passed through her when she heard the hand cuffs hit the ground.
Sky pulled herself free. It doesn't look like it, but she always had a slim hand that made it easier for her to slip her hands out of the cuffs.

Lady Maka back paddled. "How did you?"

"Well finally my thin wrists came in handy." Sky plainly said "And there my brother always made fun of me" She gave a soundless laugh, confusing the miko with her swinging personality. "But seriously how long have you kept me here?"

Lady Maka finally gave into her stern stare "A day"

"I need to leave" Sky shoved her hands into her pockets. "Where's my bag?" She asked.

"I'm not telling" Maka crossed her arms in a stern stubbornness.

"Oh, found it" Sky stooped at the corner left to lady Maka and pulled it out of the pit. She dusted off her bag "Next time find a good spot!" She advised, climbing up the stairs that led to a small one room hut.

As Sky was exiting Lady Maka came running to her and blocked the door "I can't let you help that demon"

Sky smiled "believe me girl, I won't, I promise they will be safe" She pushed past her and walked into the setting sun.

Lady Maka thought for a bit "Who are you?"

"Skylar Albarn" She smirked, "and believe me your family is doing a fine job." she waved at her.

Lady Maka stood there stumped and surprised. And why shouldn't she be? For all she knows hers is the only Alabarn family around. But then again, what does she know of her generation 500 years from now? Some descendent of hers might just have adopted a 4 year old peculiar looking lost infant from a shrine with a strange Well, only to raise her up for this day. But then again, Who knows?

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