Ch@pter 37

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Sesshomaru restrained himself and turned to leave. "If you have time to snap at me, you should go after Naraku instead." Was all he said before disappearing into the smog of dust.

Everyone then turned to Inuyasha, who seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Inuyasha," Miroku began "Are you okay?"

"Naraku's real intention was to take Kikyo's life" Inuyasha said while Kagome put a hand on his shoulder. He just looked back at her for a moment and then broke into a run, following the course of the river.

Everyone, including Koga, now sat by the campfire discussing Naraku. About how he built a holy barrier around himself to form a new body and to kill Kikyo.

Sky twirled the gem between her fingers as she was lost in thought. She felt bad for Inuyasha. He held so much pain and still wasn't ready to believe that his first love was dead. Hence, he was away somewhere running along the bank of the river to find out whether she survived the fall or not.

Sky let out a sigh. Nobody seems to be getting to their happy place right now. Everything seemed to be in a mess.

Kagome passed her a water bottle as she sat beside her. "So what are you doing here?" Kagome asked.

Sky accepted the bottle and uncorked it. She took a swing and then gave a relieved sigh. She held up her hand in front of Kagome with the blue 'stone of Earth' stuck between her pointer and middle finger. "Apparently I need to get my sisters' back to their actual home" She answered.

"So who are they? Who are you?" Sango asked her. Their worry for Inuyasha temporarily lost.

"Well," Sky began, as she clearly owed them an explanation "the two maidens that you saw with Naraku that day were the guardians of the gate of hell and heaven. And I am, apparently, their guardians."

"Oh" Shippo awed. "So.. this stone is???"

"A way to send them off this Earth. They don't belong here." Sky said getting up and picking up her bag. "Well one down two more to go"
She began to leave.

"Wait... If you leave like this you'll piss Inuyasha off again" Sango reminded.

"I won't" Sky confidently said as she headed towards Koga "he has a lot going on in his head right now".

She looked up at Koga "Can you point me towards Rem?"

Koga smirked "Well I can accompany you, if you don't mind" He looked towards Kagome and winked at her. Kagome all but smiled, thankful that Sky would be with someone she trusts. Because let's agree, that girl is a trouble magnet.

"Well then see you!" Sky smiled at the team behind. "I hope Inuyasha gets his shit together the next time we meet!" It seemed like a light hearted comment but deep inside she really wished for him to be happy.

Koga ran ahead and Sky followed along with Ginta and Hakkaku.


Sesshomaru silently walked as his two companions followed him behind. He was in a foul mood. That both Rin and Jaken sensed. Jaken kept mumbling about some insolent human who deserves to have her heart ripped out while Rin tried to make sense of the situation.

"Master Jaken?" Rin asked in a low voice just enough for the imp to hear "What human girl are you talking about?"

"There is this very foolish no good of a human" Jaken hotly said, making no effort to keep his voice down "She said some very insulting and unforgivable things to our Lord."

"Who is she? Do you know her? How does she look like?" Rin assaulted the little demon with questions.

"Well, I've seen her around a couple of time. May be she was traveling with the halfbreed, Inuyasha.  But anyway. She seems to get on everybody's nerve. Though I doubt you have seen her." Jaken hotly said.

"What does she look like?" Rin requestioned.

"Well she has silver hair, fair skin, golden eyes." Jaken listed.

Rin's memory went back to the day a similar looking girl asked for directions. She remembered how cold her Lord Sesshomaru's aura felt that day when he sent her to go look for Jaken. Judging from all this she was pretty sure that she was the same girl Jaken was talking about.

"...that no good of a human" Jaken continued his rant "I wish death upon her..." Amidst his angry rant he forgot to look ahead. He failed to notice that his Lord stopped walking and as usual he ended up running into Lord Sesshomaru's legs. This earned him two head bumps.

Though Lord Sesshomaru said nothing and just stood there, Rin took the hint and began to gather dried leaves and sticks for the camp.


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See you all next time!
Love ya <3

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