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"Taehyung! Seriously?" You hear Yoongi yelling from the kitchen. You peek your head into the kitchen to see the mess that Taehyung made.

"Sorry, hyung," he pouted as he lowered his head. You quietly chuckle as he reluctantly picks up the potatoes and washes them again.

You wanted to help, but Jin insisted that you stayed put as to not harm the baby. "You should just sit and not do anything. We'll take care of it." Meanwhile, you were still ignoring Jungkook, and even you knew yourself that he didn't like it.

You could sense his eyes on you the entire time while you sat on the couch. You hear his footsteps approaching you, but he was pulled by Yoongi. You turn your head as Yoongi dragged him to the kitchen. They spoke right there behind you in the distance, thinking that you didn't have ears.

"Jungkook-ah, why aren't you talking to her?" A smirk appears on your face as you hear the first question from Yoongi.

"I'm trying, but she's ignoring me. And I hate it when she does that," your shoulders sink inwards as you began feeling guilty. Am I just overreacting again? You shouldn't have. I hate doing this to Jungkook as well. I hate seeing him like this. You felt the need to talk to him.

"Jungkook-ah, you know my sister well enough to know that she's doing that on purpose," you turn your head to them and glared at them both. Wow, thanks oppa. You glance at Jungkook, who could only smirk back. "See? She's even eavesdropping on us!" You slowly turned around calmly and taking in a deep breath. As much as you wanted to yell, laugh, and whatnot, you wanted to maintain a cool face.

You turned your head again. "Why! Who said I was eavesdropping on you two?" Everyone stopped and looked at you with worry. "It's not my fault that you two are standing right there, talking to each other like no one's listening to what you are saying," you shout as everyone, including Jungkook and Yoongi were staring at you. "Yah! Don't you know it's not polite to stare?!" You glance at Jungkook who was just amused and chuckling at the scene. "Aish! I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me!" You stormed upstairs to your shared bedroom.

As you walked up the stairs angrily, you can hear Jungkook shouting from downstairs. "Sora-ah! I thought I told you to be careful when going up the stairs?!" You just smiled. Aww, he cares about me. What am I saying? Of course he does! I'm his wife.

"Walking up the stairs is not gonna kill me!" You shout back.

You didn't bother looking back to see if Jungkook had followed you up the stairs or not. You stopped by the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks turned into a light shade of pink. You cupped your cheeks together, making yourself look like Theodore from Alvin and the Chimpmunks. Ah! Stop! Jungkook is your husband. He loves you. But why am I have doubts? I must be going crazy. He's been by my side since I've known him.

You open your eyes. You then hear a knock on the door. Did I stay in here too long? You never realized how long you had been in the bathroom for but long enough for someone to be knocking. "Who is it?" You asked, waiting for a reply.

A deep voice replies to you. "Me," Yoongi. "You've been in the bathroom for about thirty minutes now. Are you okay?" Your eyes widen as you hear him say 'thirty minutes'. Have I been in the bathroom for thirty minutes already?!

"Yeah," you answer hesitantly. "I'm alright," you slowly walk up the door and open it to see Yoongi standing in front of the door. He stared down at you like he was examining your face or whatnot. "What?"

"You're still a bad liar as always, Sora-ah," he says as he pats your shoulder. You turn your head, annoyed and gently pushing him.

"And you're still an annoying brother as always, oppa," you mock him.

"That's because I care about my baby sister," he said as Jin walked upstairs to tell that lunch was ready.

"Sora-ah! Yoongi-ah! Lunch is ready!" You both hear him and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good, I'm starving!" You said as the smell of food hit you, making your stomach growl. Jungkook walked up to you. He puts his arm around your shoulder and guides you to a seat at the table.

"Well in that case, my bunny should have a seat first?" He said as he kissed your cheek. He pulls out a chair for you and makes you sit down.

"But I want to help," he glances over at you as he walked away. You wanted to help them with at least something because they've been doing all the work while you've done nothing. And you felt guilty because they were the guests, but they were doing all the work.

"No, you stay right here," Jungkook pointed his finger at you, indicating you to stay put. Your mouth dropped as he stared at you with his wide eyes. "Stay. And no 'buts'," you pout as he smiled at you.

"Jungkook-ah!" His head turns to Jimin as he brought over the main dishes. Your nose smell something delicious which made your stomach growl more. "Stop being rude to Sora, and let her do something. She's been sitting around all day, and I'm sure she hates that," he then turned to you. "Since you're at the table already, you can help Jungkook set up the table," you smile at Jimin and thank him.

"Thank you! I do hate sitting around," you smile as you stood up and begin setting up the table. Jungkook glared at Jimin while Jimin just gave him a smile. You look at their interaction and laughed.

"Jungkook-ah!" You wave your hand in front of his face. He looks at you, and his eyes softened. "Can you grab the plates while I grabbed the silverware?"

"No, I'll grab both the silverware and plates over," he says as he lightly pinches your nose. You sigh at how he protective he was for you and the baby. Jungkook, what would I do without you? He walks over to you, and you still stood up on your feet.

"I thought I told you to sit," your mouth drop at his statement.

You didn't argue this time, and you just sat down and watch him try setting up the table himself. You chuckle at him as he was trying to figure out where to put the silverware.

You even hear him talking to himself, 'where does it go?' 'Where does that go?' 'What even is this?'

You start chuckling at him. "Jungkook-ah, the spoons go on the right side," you said as he glanced up at you with a confused look. "And the forks go on the left side," you start giving him instructions on how to place the silverware. You were sitting down, but you helped him on how to place the silverware. "See? It wasn't that hard," he looked at you, and you had a big smile on your face.

He then walked up to you while wrapping his arms around you. "That's because we did it together, remember?" He leaned close to your ear, and you pushed him away as you knew exactly what he meant.

He chuckled at your initial reaction while you flared your eyes at him. "Very funny," you growl at him.

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