twenty - nine

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"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!" Jungkook's voice boomed in the dorm. "I know where Sora is!" He said excitedly. "She's in Daegu!" Yoongi came out of his room and ran up to Jungkook. "Look, look, look, she texted me where she is," Yoongi looked at the message.

"Jungkook-ah but this is in an abandoned building outside of the city," he told Jungkook.

"As long as I find her there," Jungkook was hopeful he'd find her there.

Yoongi, however, thought otherwise. He always knew she wouldn't ever go in such places like that. She always hated those kinds of places, no matter what circumstances there were.


"Hyung, I'm going there nonetheless," Jungkook protested.

That's when Yoongi knew he couldn't stop Jungkook; three months he spent trying to find her and now he believes he found her at last.

Yooongi felt this was a trap. It just didn't feel right for him. His gut kept saying that it was a trap. Jungkook already left the dorm and headed to Daegu.

"Wait! Jungkook!" Yoongi hurriedly followed Jungkook outside.

"Sora-ah?" You turned out head as you wore up from the cold and hard ground; you woke up to Taehyung's voice.

He reached out to grab you but you scooted away from his hand. He stopped as he realized your sudden reaction. You grabbed your knees together and hugged them as you sat on the freezing cold ground.

It's been a few days since you've been stuck in this hellhole. You haven't eaten anything that Taehyung gave to you. Your stomach kept growling quietly but you tried to ignore it.

"And you still haven't eaten your tray of food from last night?" Taehyung glanced at the table that still had the tray full of food untouched. "It's very unhealthy for you to do this. You should at least eat something. It's been three days--" you shot Taehyung a look.

"I'm not dumb, Taehyung," you said coldly.

"Then eat something!" He protested.

"I'd rather starve than eat in a place like this," you said as you turned away from him.

"Then you'd actually be willingly to kill your child?" You quickly turned your head.

"No!" You yelled. "It won't be me who's killing my child, it'd be you," Taehyung looked away as your eyes started to water.

"Then you don't plan on seeing your own son ever again?" Your heart dropped as the thought of Jeongsan came to you. "If that's what you wish, then you can do so as you wish," he walked out of the doorway.

"Wait!" You stood up and rushed to the door but before you could do anything, the door slammed in front of your face. "Please," you rested your head against the door. You cried as you called out Jeongsan's name. "Jeongsan-ah, I'm very sorry," you turned and leaned against the hard wall and slid down to the ground.

"Unni is in danger," the little girl, Angela, she knew. "Unni doesn't know it yet," I didn't listen to her. Now I'm here. Stuck. Not able to do anything about it.

I wanna scream but I can't. I wanna cry but I can't. I hate myself. I can't do this anymore. I just wanna leave. Escape this cruel world.


"Unni?" You heard her voice again. "Unni?" You turned your head left and right to look for Angela. "Unni?"

"Angela?" You called to her.

"Unni?" You tried following her voice but her voice was only fading away as you took each step. "Unni?"

"Angela?!" You raised your voice as everything around you bursted into flames. You stopped as you looked around. "W-what is this?"

You were pushed off the ledge. You were only hanging from the ledge from where you were standing.

"Angela!" You shouted, hoping she'd hear you but nothing came out to save you. "Angela, where are you?!" You screamed. "Help me!" And then a shadow came before your eyes as you looked up.

"Look at you. Weak. So weak. Always calling out for help," the person sounded familiar. The person sounded like you. Then the person kneeled down to you and you saw the person's face: it was you. "No one is going to save you," the person pushed off your hands from the ledge.

"No! Please!" The other you chuckled.

"Why? Doesn't this feel familiar to you? You've seen this happen in a movie before," you knew the reference from the Lion King but you didn't want your life to end like that. "Goodbye Min Sora," your hand was pushed off from the ledge.

"No!" You fell into the flames as you looked at your other self who looked at you with sad eyes.

"No!" You screamed yourself awake as you looked around yourself. You realized you were still in the same place where Taehyung was keeping you. "Right, I'm still here," you mumbled.

You looked over at the tray full of food at the table. You looked at it fondly. You were hungry.

"Am I really going to starve like this?" You asked yourself. "As much as Taehyung is an asshole and as much as I hate him at this moment, that can't be compared to how hungry I am," you slowly picked yourself up and walked over to the table.

You pulled the chair and sat at the table as you started eating the food. The taste of it made you feel nostalgic.

"You're finally eating?" You heard Taehyung's voice from the door. You didn't acknowledge his existence and just continued eating. "You honestly don't think I poisoned it for you to eat?" You stopped and glared at him.

You stood up as you pushed off the tray of food. "I may have eaten your food, but don't think I'd fall for any of your bribes," Taehyung chuckled as he walked up to you.

"I really do you like you and I really had hoped you'd see that," he said as he caressed your hair lightly. You flinched as his hand touched your cheek softly. You gazed into his eyes as his eyes stared right back at you. "I really don't want to hurt you," he said as he glanced at your stomach as your stomach was beginning to show your small baby bump.

You pushed his hand away and turned around from him. You almost felt as if he was hypnotizing you but you couldn't fall for his kind words. He was keeping you here captive until Jungkook came to get you. You knew he wanted to keep you alive but you couldn't trust him anymore.

He wasn't the sweet and fun Taehyung you knew anymore. He was someone else, as if someone was posing to be him. You knew Taehyung wouldn't actually do this to you and Jungkook.

You started having doubts about Taehyung. Was this really the Taehyung you knew? The one whom you trusted? The one who always cheered you up when you were down? The one who made you feel at ease? Was he your best friend?

You were having all these questions inside your head as you stumbled backwards on your own feet.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked you as he saw how apprehensive you were.

You just simply nodded without saying anything.

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