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"Did you eat?" Yoongi asked you. You nodded your head as you held your son in your arms. "Good cause I don't want my sister to starve. You slept the whole day without eating anything," you looked at him. "Let alone that your head now has a bump," you growled at him.

"Oppa, I ate four cups of ramen noodles. I'm good," you reassured him. He looked at the trash can and in there were the four cups of ramen noodles. "Oh my goodness, I never asked. How was Jeongsan? Is he okay? Hopefully he didn't cry a lot," Yoongi groaned as he slouched down on the chair.

"He cried for an hour just before you woke up," Jimin said. "That's why I stayed up the whole night," he said. "Making his bottle was difficult with him fussing around and stuff," he said as he fixed his shirt.

"Put him back in his carrier. He's asleep," Jimin walked up to you and carried him to his carrier.

You realized you never asked about Jungkook nor did he come and see you. And then you remember when he came in the room and what he told you: wait for me. How long did he want you to wait for him? I love you. At least you now know he still loves you, even if he doesn't remember.

"Sora-ah!" Your head turned over to the door to see Jin walking in with open arms. "You're okay! I was so worried about you. Yoongi here made it sound like you were going to die," all you do could do was smile.

"No, I'm okay. I'm good," Jin then presented you a tray of food. You looked at Jin, speechless. "Jin oppa, I just ate," you said politely.

"Oh no, fainting from dehydration and not eating, will not happen on my watch. And your head got hit onto something? No way." You looked at the tray again. "You don't have to have the tray now but at least drink the bottle of water here," Jin handed you a water bottle.

"Ah, don't spoil her too much, Jin hyung," Yoongi said as he stopped Jin. "I don't want her being turned into a spoiled brat," you looked at Yoongi.

"Says so the person who couldn't stop spoiling his little sister," you retorted. Yoongi was your only brother, although he was serious about everything almost 24/7 but he means it well.

"You drink this bottle," he instructed, ignoring your words.

"Sora-ah!" You heard a loud shout from the door.

"Hoseok oppa!" He walked up to you and hugged you.

"How you feeling?" He asked you as he released you.

"I'm feeling a lot better," you replied with a grin.

You looked at the door to see a person with their back towards the door opening. You looked at the door and everyone's eyes averted to the door. That's when Hoseok walked up to the person at the door and dragged them inside.

Jungkook. Your heart raced as you saw him. What's he doing here? Hoseok pushed him a bit forward to talk to you.

You knew how shy he was, especially when you two first became friends. He was super quiet and didn't say much. He just looked at you and gave you a small smile, but it still ached your heart to know that he doesn't remember anything about you or your son.

You noticed his eyes were a bit red and watery

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You noticed his eyes were a bit red and watery. Seeing him like that made you feel guilty, but 'guilty' wasn't the right word for your feelings.

"Jungkook-ah, say something," Hoseok whispered to Jungkook but he stayed silent. Again you could blame him, even if you really wanted to.

"Hyung, I think I need some fresh air," he told Hoseok as he turned around to go back to the door.

Jin who watched what just happened, asked what happened to Jungkook. Whereas you lowered your head to hide your tears. "What happened to Jungkook?" He asked and Jimin pulled Jin aside and explained it to him. Jin's reaction was speechless; he couldn't find words to say to you or Jungkook.

"Sora," Jimin called out to you.

"Hmm?" You quickly wipe your tears and looked up.

"Did Jungkook say something to you earlier?" You looked away again.

Wait for me. He told you. He told you to wait for him as he would do his best to remember you. All the memories you two had shared together. The day you two met. The day he asked you to be his girlfriend. His proposal. The wedding day. The day you told him you were pregnant. Jeongsan's birth. How would he remember all that? How long would it be until you can remember everything?

"Where's Jeongsan?" You asked Jimin as he turned behind him.

"He's asleep," he said.

"Oh okay," you nodded as you rubbed your eyes. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom," you felt the urge to go so. That's when Jimin and Jin both walked up to you. "Yah, I can go by myself," you looked at them both. "Seriously, you don't need to," you walked to the bathroom that was next door to the room where you were in.

As you walked into the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror. "Oh my god!" You screamed as you saw how your face was super dry and you looked like you were a ghost. "Did I really come to the hospital looking like this?" You said as you turned on the water to wash your face. "Did I really wake up looking like this? With everyone seeing me like this? And Jungkook?!" You were in a meltdown at how you looked in the mirror.

You walked out of the bathroom into the quiet hallway with a few nurses walking past you. "Pardon?" You heard a voice behind you. You turned around to see Jungkook with his head lowered.

"Jungkook?" His head lifted up and his eyes met up to yours. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" You asked him.

"No, doctor said I'm okay to walk around," he looked at you. "So, we were married..." he brought up the subject. You could only nod your head.

"Yes we are."

"Did we ever divorce?" You shook your head. What is he talking about? Divorce? "Because I'm confused, Taehyung hyung said you and him~" he paused for a second and looked at you. "He said you two have a child together," your heart stopped immediately for a whole minute.

Taehyung and me? A child together? Since when did he tell Jungkook that?! You thought to yourself. You didn't want to make the situation worse than it already was since Jungkook now thinks you and Taehyung have a child together.

"I think we should~" then you two were interrupted by somebody.

"Sora," it was Taehyung. "I need to talk to you," he dragged you away from Jungkook. Jungkook reached out to grab your other hand, causing you to stop. You looked down at your other hand as it was being held by Jungkook and your other hand was also held by Taehyung. "Jungkook, let her go," Taehyung said.

You looked at Jungkook with pleading eyes. "Jungkook?" He looked at you with seriousness in his eyes. He didn't let you go of your hand.

You were just standing in between the two of them and they both were holding your hands on your sides: Jungkook on your right. Taehyung on your left. You couldn't do anything but stand there. Jungkook and Taehyung were both staring at each other as if they were going to pick a fight together.

The next words you heard were the ones you thought you'd never hear Jungkook's lips, "if you go with him, then that proves that Jeongsan is not my son."

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