Chapter Twenty ~ Creepers and Thai food

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Hey guys! Thought I might update a little early ;) SURPRISE! Anyway, hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the chapter :D


Chapter 20, Creepers and Thai food

"God DANGIT! Freaking creepers!" Toby yelled. I giggled. Two creepers had snuck up on him while he was chopping down a tree.

"I told you you should have waited until day time... Idiot." I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get it done.." I smiled.

"Hey Raina?" He said.


"Did you want to make a video for TobyGames?" My eyes grew wide and I smiled like a maniac.

"YES! I mean, uh, sure..." I tried to look smart and posh but ended up looking like I was constipated. Toby laughed at me.

"You doof. Anyway, I'll set up the camera. You ready?" I nodded and saved the game on my laptop.

This was going to be so awesome!

~After setting up~

"Ready?" Toby said. I nodded my head and clicked the on button the the extra camera toby set up on my laptop. We were sitting together on the same desk.

"Yeah!" And I gave him the thumbs up.

"Three, two, one.. Hello once again audience! Today we are not going to continue with Minecraft but start a new journey! Say hello to Raina!"

"Hello! Remember me? That weird looking girl from the party?" Toby laughed. "Right you are about 'weird'."

I shot him a look. Then playfully smirked. "He's mean." I told the camera.

"Alright, so are we going to call this world 'Raina and Toby Survival? That sound ok?" Toby said. I nodded and let him gab away while I set up the multiplayer.

"Ok and now it says that 'DerpyRaina' joined the game. That's your name? Really?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Yes, now shut up and get some wood. I'm making you a house in the mountain." I walked over to the mountain and dug until I hit the stone. I then thought of an idea.

I looked at my camera and put my finger to my lips, as if telling them to be quiet. I turned the game mode onto 'creative' and got some stuff like wooden swords, a crafting table, two beds, two pick axes and 10 torches. He would never know.

I winked at the camera. "What are you doing over there Raina?" Toby said suddenly. "Nothing... Just making the house." I replied.

When Toby was done getting wood, the house was mostly done, and looked pretty good.

"Good job, but I can tell you cheated..."

"How- I mean, what?" I smiled.

"Well, it's kinda obvious... Plus it changed my game mode too so I did notice you silly nugget."

I laughed and snapped my fingers. "Aww man!"

~A little while later~

Toby ended the video and shut off the camera. I did the same.

"So are you going to edit that?" I asked him as he yawned and stretched his arms. He nodded while yawning.

"Ok, well then I'm going to go upload my video and then maybe go on YouTube. I'm just in my room." Toby smiled warmly at me.

"Sure thing. I'll order something later maybe. You like Thai?" I nodded and walked out of the room. I plugged in my laptop on the desk in my room and logged onto YouTube. Then I remembered something.

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