Chapter Sixteen ~ Stay Calm

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Hey guys! So I've been trying really hard to get some writing done for this fanfic......... It's kinda sad that I can't write as well and as fast as I used to. Oh well :3

So Merry Christmas... Well a few days ago but still! Here is a late Christmas present!


Chapter 16, Stay calm

Raina (POV)

"Anthony! A-Anthony! Stop!" He was trying to climb on top of me, and fortunately for me, failing miserably.

I had to stay calm. Calm. Caaaaaalllm..... This is not good.

I could hear people in the living room. Some where leaving. I listened for a car door, hoping that Ian might be home soon.

"C'mon R-Raina... Babe..." Anthony was now on top of me, shirt half off.

I can't give up. I can't let this happen.

Not again.


"Dave! Get off of me!" I screamed. That asshole was trying to... Well, you know...

Is he drunk? He is always drunk, what am I thinking.

"Know what?" Dave said. He leaned up real close to my face and whispered, "I love you babe."

I could smell the beer on his breath. This was bullshit. I'm.... No. I'm not strong. I may as well just let him. This is happening.

*Flashback over*

"C'mon Raina!" Anthony grunted. That set me back into real time. I felt weak and helpless just laying there. A drunk friend of mine trying to have sex with me, and I could do nothing. Even as he was drunk, he still was stronger than I am.

I'm just going to... Give up. Just like last time. Ian made me feel better and stronger, but now I'm just the same helpless little girl I was not so long ago.

I'm giving up.


I slammed the car door shut and turned the keys in the ignition. I pulled out of Toby's driveway and onto the not-so-busy street.

It was way later than I had thought. The moon was full in the sky and it was like pale daylight outside. I couldn't get Raina out of my head. I was worried about her.

I hope she got Anthony in his room ok, I trust that she did. He probably fell asleep as soon as she got him in his room.

I turned onto the highway. A car zoomed right up I front of me, his high beams nearly blinding me. I tried to get out of the way.

"Am I going to be hit?" "Am I going to die?" "Is my car insurance payed for?" "What would the fans think?" "What would Anthony do?" "What would Raina do?"

Thoughts drifted through my head like crazy. Life was happening in slow motion. Everything was crawling like molasses.

The idiot in the car came fast and life sped up again as he passed me, just barley missing.

I went forward onto the highway, speeding back up to the speed limit. I remained calm. That was so close I can't even..... Wow... I survived that...

I drove for a bit on the highway, staying as calm as I could until I saw the exit. As soon as I was off the highway I went into the nearest parking lot.

There I sat in my car, staring blankly into space in a McDonalds parking lot. That was, until I broke down in tears. I was just so relived that I was alive. That I wasn't in a hospital. That I can live to tell the story because, well, many can't.

I just sat there as the adrenaline left my body, forcing me into a more depressing state. I knew that I should be fine in a couple minutes. After all, I did just almost get killed.

~A few minutes later~

I started the car up once again and drove on the main road closest to our house. I was in no hurry really. Nothing could go wrong after what just happened, right?


I took off my shirt just as Anthony has drunkenly told me to. There was no point in hurrying. Anthony cold hands were on my waist. I can't think of anything else but.... Fear. I was afraid of what was going to happen after this, when he's done and Ian comes back. When its morning. When it's no longer in the moment.

Outside I heard a car door slam. Antho-was that the garage being opened? Oh god please be Ian. Please, please be Ian.


I closed the car door and shut the garage. Opening the door to the inside, I saw a few lights on still. Walking past the kitchen and into the living room I saw that no one was left. Felix and Marzia were on the couch, passed out together. The place was a bit cleaner than I had thought. Well now that I look around, there are garbage bags with cups and other things in them. Felix and Marzia must have cleaned up! How nice of them.

I didn't see Anthony or Raina so I knew that they were both in bed, probably. I went into my room and heard Anthony talking. It must be that Kalel girl he was talking to earlier. Heh, looks like he might have a new girlfriend!

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, getting that awful after taste of Doritos out of my mouth.

I walked into my room and took off my clothes. I dumped them onto the floor. I would pick them up tomorrow. I climbed into bed. I was almost asleep when I thought I would check on Raina. May as well, it's almost become a habit.

Walking across the hallway, I stepped into her room. Her bed and the makeshift one beside it were empty. Where is she?

Then a horrifying thought came to mind. What if Raina is with Anthony? What if she is hurt? What if-

I stopped thinking and ran into Anthony's room, bursting the door open. It was dark in there but the moonlight shone through the window, making it easy for my eyes to search the room.

There what I saw on Anthony's bed was something that made me sick.

It was Anthony half naked on top of a half naked girl.

It was Raina.


More cliffhangers, I know...

Anyway I hope you enjoyed that! My goal for the next update is 700 reads! Can we do it? (Yes we can, it's already past 600. You guys are fucking awesome.)

Anyway, merry Christmas! And for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas... Happy holidays!

I'm going to enjoy my winter break writing and playing on my PS3! I'm going to try and update tomorrow :)





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