Chapter Six ~ Whip cream

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Hey my lovelies! Lol I have no name for you guys...whatever. Is there anyone out there who might want to make a cover for this fanfic? I'm working on the WattPad app and I have no idea how to work it xD if there is anyone who even reads this fanfic if they might want to help I would love it :)

Anyway here is chapter six!


Chapter Six


After the video shooting, we got some take-out food and drove back home. Anthony started editing it right away.

"When do your videos come up on YouTube?" I asked Ian.

"Fridays. It takes a while to edit though. Anthony does all of the editing for all our videos. I suck at editing!" He said. We were sitting at the table, finishing up eating our take-out. Anthony ate his in the computer room.

"Let's prank him." I whispered.

"Ok. Here, I'll be right back." He walked away, getting something.

Ian returned with two cans of whip cream. "Let's use these!"

We creeped down the hallway, as quiet as possible, up to the door to the computer room. It was slightly open.

Ian gestured over to me and put his pointer finger up to lips. I stayed quiet as I nodded. We slowly opened the door and creeped up to the chair Anthony was sitting in.

We took our cans of whip cream and uncapped them.

Me on the right, Ian on the left. I pointed with my fingers,




"Go!" I mouthed as we both stood up and sprayed the whip cream on each side of Anthony's face.

"FUCK!" He exclaimed, jumping up from his chair. "Oh my god! IAN! RAINA! What the fuck you guys?" He shouted. Then he looked at us.

Ian and I were rolling on the ground, clutching our stomachs and laughing so hard. It was the perfect definition of "ROTFLOAO" (For those of you who don't know, Rolling.On.The.Floor.Laughing.Our.Asses.Off.)

He looked back at us, and then looked at the whip cream that was all over him. Then he started laughing too.

"Oh it's on!" Yelled Anthony as he grabbed the whip cream cans that Ian and I had dropped. Ian and I tried to get up and run but Anthony got our faces and backs.

We all stopped in the living room. The cans had run out of cream and we all dropped onto the couch, laughing our heads off.

"It's too bad we didn't get that on camera!" I said between laughs.

"Heheh ya...." Said Anthony. "Ugh, you guys scared the SHIT out of me!"

We all started laughing again.

"That what I was hoping for!" I said.

It was around 8:45 at night and I was exhausted from the video shooting. I decided to go to bed a little earlier than planned.

~Half and hour later~

"Goodnight!" I called from my room. I was so happy from today. The video shooting, whip cream fight, Ian...and our kiss....

"Goodnight!" They called back. We were not doing anything else tomorrow (except video editing which Anthony does) so I thought I would stay up a little later. I pulled out my laptop and logged into YouTube and checked my subscriptions box. Holy shit! 13 videos! Crap...and that's not including daily vlogs...

"One from Tobuscus, three from Tobygames, three from Yogscast, MysteryGuitarMan, ShaneDawson...Oh my god! I better watch all of these." I didn't even read the rest of the list.

It was too long and I wanted to get back to my videos!

After two and a half HOURS I was done all of my videos. My face hurt from all of the smiling and laughing.

"What's the name of Ian and Anthony's channel again? Smosh? I should check it out..." I asked myself out loud.

I typed it in and tons of videos popped in. "Woah...over TEN MILLION on this one...." And so I watched a LOT of them... And another two and a half hours passed... How have I never watched them before? The name sounded familiar, but I guess I never watched. Too bad, I missed out.

"Shit! I better get to bed!" I thought.

I turned off my desk light and shut my laptop down. I got under the covers and the events of the day passed through my head, circling my thoughts as I fell asleep.

I fell asleep dreaming of Ian...


That was kinda a filler chapter but some serious shit is going down in the next chapter! Oh snap!

Make sure to message me on my page, YouTuber_lover





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