Chapter Twenty Six ~ Raina's YouTube and broken laptops

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Hey! I'm sorry I didn't update on Saturday... I'm a bad person ;P

Anyway, this chapter is just a filler. Hopefully more will happen in the NEXT chapter. Which I will be writing today, if I feel like it, because I am SO sick right now :( trust me.

So I have no idea what month I originally set this in, but I'm probably just going to make it in October, so it's getting to be colder out.

Sorry if that doesn't make any sense... >.<

Enjoy derps!


Chapter 26, Raina's YouTube and broken laptops


When we got back to the house, Raina and I were soaked to the bone. We got in the garage and shook ourselves off like dogs. My hair was sticking to my forehead and my clothes stuck to by body. I glanced up at Raina, she was wringing out her hair. Her clothes were very wet too.

"Let's get inside." Raina said and grabbed my hand, pulling me in with her, laughing like a maniac. Anthony was in the editing room, finishing up on some stuff for this Fridays video. Speaking of which, I have a shit ton of editing to work on.. Better get started in that.

I went into my room and took off all my clothes, putting on some new underwear, track pants and a "Legend Of Smosh" hoodie. I got the hair drier out of the sink cabinet in the bathroom and quickly dried my hair, making it puff up a little. I tried to flatten it into its "bowl cut" shape and the threw the hood over my head.

I went back into my bed room and got my laptop out, plugging in the video camera and laying them on the bed.

I walked into Raina's room, but I knocked first. I've learnt my lesson that way... "Come in!" She yelled.

I went in and she was laying on her bed, on her crappy laptop, downloading some thingie... I swear to god that thing will die any day now. She scooted over and patted the bed beside her. I jumped down on it like a five-year-old and put my arm around her, looking at her laptop. More like... Craptop... Hehehehe. I so funny.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, laying my head on her shoulder. She cuddled back and answered.

"I was going to look at my YouTube page... I'm kinda nervous. I haven't looked at it yet.."

"It'll be fine. Here, let's load the page," I said and clicked on her YouTube page. "And there."

She gasped.


Raina had gained over 1000 subscribers in just over a few days! And her video had gotten 25,000 views! This was huge! Well, for a first video.

"Oh... My... God..." She said. We went to the comment section on the first video. The curser hovered over the tab. She nervously looked at me and I nodded my head.

She clicked and scrolled down through the comments. Only two hate comments! Most if them were very nice. Raina looked very happy.

"Congratulations Raina!" Anthony called out from his room. He must have seen too.

She turned to me and smiled. "Thanks for helping me with this Ian."

"No problem. Congrats!" I quickly leaned in and gave her a short kiss. She blushed.

"I left the hair dryer on the sink for you." I told her and got up from the bed, making my way to the door.

"Thanks! I'm going to do that now. What are you going to do?"

"Edit... I've got a crap ton of videos to edit."

"Oook! See ya later bowls." Raina said, slipping past me and rubbing my hair. Guess I have a new nickname...

I heard the hair dryer go and I left her room, going into mine. I pulled out the MacBook and started editing on my last import. This was going to be a looong night...

~Much later~

I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I had edited more than 5 new 'Ian is bored' videos and just as many lunch times. I yawned again. I glanced at the time on the top of the computer. 2:30am. Crap. Better go to sleep.

I saved everything (twice, just to be sure) and then shut it down. I put it down on the bedside table and shut out the light.

After a few minutes of shuffling around and getting (somewhat) comfortable, I started to drift off. But then, I had a thought. More like a question though.

When was Raina's birthday? What month? She said when she met us that she was.. 23. Only a two year difference.

I heard some shuffling from a bed, maybe from Anthony's room. I sighed to myself.

~About 3 hours later~

My eyes fluttered open. Suddenly, I was wide awake. It was almost 6:00am and I had no idea why my alarm was going off this early in the morning.

I sat up and grabbed my iPhone, turning off the alarm. The obnoxious noise was silenced. "...stupid alarm.." I grumbled to myself and got up, heading to the bathroom.

After going to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands. My hair was not too messy and I picked up the brush on the sink, combing through it. Maybe I'd better get a haircut... It's getting thick again.

Walking out into the kitchen, I noticed that Raina was already up, making some blueberry pop tarts. Anthony was at the table with his laptop, clicking away at something. He was dressed too.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at them. "You know what time it is, right?"

They both turned and smiled. "Of course. Anthony said you're filming today so that's why we got up early." Raina said, filling me in.

"But why was my alarm...?"

"I set it." Raina said, going back to the pop tarts.

"But when-"

"Just go get dressed. We're leaving for the park in 20 minutes."

I went back I go my room and grabbed a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. It was getting to be a bit colder outside, so I also grabbed my leather jacket.

When I went back into the kitchen, Anthony was already getting his red leather coat on and doing up his laces on his shoes. Raina was on the couch in the living room, franticly doing something on her computer.

"God DAMN IT!" Raina yelled. Anthony and I stopped and peered in, staring at her. She looked up and blushed. "My computer died.." I was trying not to laugh. Her reaction was very funny... And cute.

"We'll just have to buy a new one then." I said and walked up to her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"See you later after the shoot." I said. She nodded. "Love you."

"Love you too." I smiled.

"Bye!" Raina yelled.

Anthony and I walked out the front door, locking it behind us. I was in such a great mood, I hardly cared that it was 6:45 in the morning. I didn't even get a little bit upset when my pop tart was cold (I like hot pop tarts). All I cared about was Raina.

I couldn't help smiling the rest of the day.


I hope you liked it!

And holy crap!!! I told you guys to get 2.5k and we're almost at 3k!! :D I love you all so much, you have no idea :)

See you next week!





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