Chapter Twenty Two ~ A bit relaxed

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Heyyyyyy guuuyyyyyyyysssssssss! So I'm not going to lie, I wrote this chapter last night after writing up an essay about creepypasta... Don't ask lol...

Here is da story bitches! :P


Chapter 22, A bit relaxed


I finally managed to get Anthony off the table and out of the cafe. I didn't want to him embarrass himself anymore then he already had. I pulled his arm up and urged him to get up and walk back to the car.

He was a compleat mess and I was on the verge of losing it again too. All I could hear in my head was 'sorry'. And it was kinda haunting me. I can't be a mess now though, I have to calm Anthony down first.

By this time, I had gotten Anthony into the car. He had stopped wailing like a baby, but he was still shook up. I got him to drive and he did. He did drive ok, thank god. But Anthony almost forgot to break when we reached the garage. Almost forgot.

I got him inside and noticed that everyone was at the kitchen table, talking and chattering, watching some sort of dinner. I glanced up at the clock and noticed that it was nearly 6:30pm.

Almost as if on cue, my stomach rumbled with hunger. I hadn't eaten much today anyway, but I usually eat a lot more.

"Hey, is, uh, Anthony ok?" Ian asked, Marzia and Felix stopping their conversation with Ian and turning to face poor Anthony, who was now drooping down all hunched over.

"No... Can you uh, help me with him. He's kinda leaning on me and he's heavy." Ian got up and so did Felix, Ian took his left arm and Felix grabbed the other and they guided him out into the other hallway, into his bedroom.

"Hey Raina! Is everything ok?" Marzia asked me, smiling a little.

"Yeah.. Anthony's just a bit.. Upset. More like devastated." She nodded.

"Ian explained this to you and Felix, yes?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry about what happened. I wish I could have helped." Marzia said and reached out for my hand, grabbing it and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

I sighed and did the same back. She pulled away and announced that she was going to go see how the boys were doing. I got up as well and followed her into Anthony's room. The boys were sitting on the bed all talking while Anthony explained what happened up until while I was gone with Toby and the cafe just now.

I slowly backed out of the room with Marzia and we sat out in the hall, listening to what he had to say. It felt wrong to be listening in, but I knew that if I didn't, I might not ever know how he really feels.

Marzia got up and walked back into the kitchen, getting a glass of water. I heard someone get up and walk to I ducked into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind me. I peeked out and saw that it was just Felix. He closed the door behind him. I could faintly hear people talking but it sounded like Marzia. No more eavesdropping for me...

I went out of the bathroom and into my room, getting a pair of pajamas and a comfortable hoodie. I then decided that maybe I should take a shower. I still looked pretty awful, my makeup was still a little off and my hair was... Well I'm not even going to talk about how awful my hair looks.

I went back into the bathroom and turned the heat on full with only a little cold, letting the water heat up while I got undressed and tested the water. It felt good to take a shower and relax a little. These past few days have been confusing and... Weird, I guess. There is no other words to describe how I feel. But right now, I'm relaxed and somewhat happy.

~After the shower~

I got dressed and walked out of the steamy bathroom. I got up laptop from my bag and set it back on the desk to charge. I unpacked the few belongings I brought to Toby's and decided to go into the living room with my laptop and do nothing productive. I feel like browsing Tumblr...

I got the laptop, (which is now at 80%) and I went to the living room, pulling a throw over my legs and opening my Tumblr page and looking through all my different fandom things. I was still in a pretty good mood. But I realized that sooner or later I would have to move and get into bed, and also dry my hair.

I did get up and I realized that Felix and Marzia were on the other couch, facing the TV and watching a movie on Netflix.

I put the laptop back in my room to charge and quickly dried my hair. Getting tired at blow drying it, I just towel dried the rest and got into bed. I felt tired and relaxed, nice thoughts drifting through my head.

But for some reason, I just couldn't fall asleep...


I was laying on my bed, writing a script for an idea I had for a new smosh video. We only had one more pre-filmed video for smosh and I wanted to get filming again soon.

I heard Raina get into bed after her shower so I decided not to disturb her. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to her yet... I really need to know her side of the story.

I forced myself it get up and I checked on the time. 8:46pm, my clock read. I rubbed my eyes and got into my pajamas, not caring if I brushed my teeth or not. I wasn't going to.

I checked on Felix and Marzia. They were both asleep on the couch, curled up against each other. I stared at them for a few seconds before turning around and checking on Raina.

I slowly opened her door and peered in. I could barley see in, but the dim light from the hallway illuminated her room a little. Her eyes were wide open and she was staring into space. It was a little creepy, actually...

"Raina?" She jolted awake from her staring contest with the ceiling and looked at me.

"Ian? Can you... Come here..?" I walked to the bedside and she patted on the bed. I sat down and she explained why she couldn't sleep. I nodded when she was done.

"So... Can you tell me about what happened that night? I really need to know so I can help you and Anthony."

She scooted over a little and I laid in bed with her while she explained everything. From when she was at Toby's. She looked like a weight had been lifted off of her and she looked more peaceful.

I reached out and put a strand of hair behind her ear. She turned over to face me. I stocked her cheek. She slowly reached out for my face too and bent forward, kissing me on the forehead.

"Thank you Ian..." She whispered.

And with that we both grew so tired that we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore, both of us falling into a dream we could both live in.


So there you go! I've been trying SO hard to update more often so it's still an update every Saturday :3

So tell me in the comments below, do you read creepypasta? If you do, tell me your favorite ones and give me some recommendations!

ERMAGERD 1.3k reads! Thank you so much! I can't be happier!

See you guys next week!





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