Chapter Twenty Nine ~ Blame it on a rush of blood to the head

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Hey guys! So, liking the early update? I thought you might ;) but that means not chapter this Saturday but the will be the one after that!



Chapter 29, Blame it on a rush of blood to the head


I laughed along with Toby. He was very funny and I couldn't help laughing all the time around him. I guess Ian made me laugh too... But I didn't want to think about him. That bastard can have Natalie. I tried to get the thought of him out of my head.

I smiled at Toby. "Thank you for tonight..." He smiled back.

"My pleasure."

He had offered to take me out to dinner a few days ago and I finally decided to say yes. I had gotten the job at Starbucks and on one of my morning shifts he came by and, well, we started hanging out thought the rest of the week. Mostly at his house though, seeing as we didn't want to disturb Ian or Anthony.

Ian had been locked in his room ever since our fight and I don't think he's come out too much. I hope he gets over me soon, he can't be like that forever. Maybe... No, I'm not thinking about him. No.

"So did you want to head back to my place and watch a movie or something? Maybe play some video games?" I couldn't say no.

"Sure! Here, I'll pay." I said and pulled out my wallet. Toby reached out and grabbed my hand, shaking his head.

"I asked you to dinner, I'll pay."

"Wow, such a gentleman!" Toby grinned at me.

"You know it gurl!" He said putting on his ghetto voice. I giggled.

~At Toby's house~

"Damn it!" I yelled neatly throwing my controller. "Stupid, freaking, goddamn, son of a bitch!" I yelled at the PS4. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glowing red with rage.

"That's what you get for not playing the first game.." Toby said, and continued laughing at my reaction.

"But... But... Why so hard? Why?" I can't even speak.

"I told you, "Dark Souls" is a hard game. "Dark souls II" is harder. And you, didn't listen!" He said, trying to explain why I was sucking at this game so bad.

"Asdfghjkl." I said in response, sounding like a broken keyboard. Toby, once again, laughed at my reaction.

"How about we watch a movie? I'll make some popcorn." Toby said and got up, heading to the kitchen to, most likely, make popcorn.

"Make it extra buttery! Also, I'll pick the movie." I yelled out to him and switched on Netflix. Hmm... What to watch...

Toby came back a few minutes later with a giant bowl of buttery goodness. I'm so hungry for that... That's what she said! Ohhhh! Gah, I have such a dirty mind...

My mouth is watering for that popcorn that he brought over. Legitally(mix between legitimate and literally :P).

"Still no pick on the movie?" Toby asked, sitting down beside me.


There was nothing good on here! That, or I just don't like anything... You never know with Netflix.

"Let's just watch... Uh... Hmm..." Toby was thinking about what to watch. He was making a ridiculous face. I tried not to laugh.

"How about more walking dead?" I suggested.

"Yes!" Toby said and clicked on it from the 'Most recently watched'.

I settled down and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Toby was one episode behind me, so I watched the cliff hanger one again. Still scared me as much as the first time.

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