Chapter Thirty Three ~ Them

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Hey guys!!! What is upppp? So I recently discovered that you guys have started following me! Yaya! If you follow me, I'll follow back gurl! I love reading my fans work so I'll be sure to check some of yours out :)

This chapter is extremely serious... Like... Scary serious... Be prepared for the ride of a lifetime XD lol



Chapter 33, Them


When I opened the door, two people stood before me.One I knew very well, the other I've met only a few time. A cousin of mine. A scary, tattooed, motorcycle guy cousin of mine.

"Hello Raina." My mother said, her words slipping off her tongue, filled with venom.

"Hello." I said firmly. Ian was standing further behind me, but not so close that I could feel his presence. He felt further away like he could pounce of either of them at any given moment.

"Well," started my mom, motioning with her two fingers for him to follow. "We have something to take care of. May we come in?" I could feel my stomach churning, the panic setting in. I tried to push it away, but it was caught in my throat.

I was about to say no, when Ian spoke up from behind me, stepping forward to my side. We made a human blockade in front of the door.

"Hell no." He said between gritted teeth. My mothers obviously fake smile had turned into a real frown, a grin now replaced with a scowl.

"Hell no to you. We're coming in."

She made her fist clench and drew it back, causing me to go over the edge. I went into full force panic mode, the thoughts and emotions I had been keeping under had surfacing. I fell back and whimpered.

Thankfully Anthony caught me. Ian stepped back and held up his hands. What was he doing?

My cousin barged in first with my mom following close behind. Anthony helped me stand up, but just as I stood, I was knocked to the ground.

I groaned in pain and my hand went up to my nose, blood starting to trickle out of it.

Ian turned away from the door and saw me.

He looked concerned for me, but he quickly wiped the sad expression from his face and turned to glare at my mom and cousin. Ian's usually cool blue eyes were now cold and icy, as if you could freeze just by looking at him.

Anthony swiftly picked me up and ran over to Ian's room, the closest one from where we were, and almost threw me on the bed. He ran back out and closed the door behind him. Was he keeping me locked in here?

I got up and tried the door. It was unlocked, but I didn't want to go out anytime soon. But I knew I had to. I had to face my mom once and for all. Damn, my life is starting to sound like a movie... Not the time to think about that Raina...

I opened the door quickly and quietly. When I got back to the main part of the house, in the living room, my cousin was knocked out on the floor. Anthony was yelling at my mom, but I only only saw them. Where was Ian?

"You don't understand! She's my daughter! And who are you? Why do you think you can control her life?" My mom yelled at Anthony.

"No," he growled. "YOU don't understand. She is your daughter, but YOU can't control her life either."

Anthony was making perfect sense. But I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. I ran out from the hallway, running right into my mother.

I pulled back my hand and slapped her, not able to control myself from doing so. I heard a painful SMACK and the room was completely silent. My breathing was quick and I could feel the sting on my hand from slapping her.

"You bitch..." I said, tears running down my face. "You... You..." I couldn't think of what to say to this awful woman.

"I'm what? Tell me to my face, you useless, piece of shi-"

"Fine," I said, cutting her off. "I'm not even going to say what I think of you. Because you don't deserve to hear what I have to say. But I'm going to say this." I stopped talking briefly and let my eyes wander the room.

"I love it here. I love who I'm with, I'm happy with my life and I'm in a great relationship. But you know who I should thank?"

"Me?" She snorted.


"Wait what?" She said, taken back.

"You're the one who sent me here. Sure, it was hell getting here and it was hell trying to forget what I left behind, but it was worth it. I found where I want to be in life. So I should be thanking you. So thank you mom."

"So you forgive me?" She said, her face still showing hardly any emotion.

"Fuck no. Now get out of this house and never show your face again."

She didn't seem to get what I was saying, but did back up and go to the door. As if on cue, I heard the wail of sirens and car door being slammed shut.

A team of police officers took my mom. It was all a blur, because everything was happening so fast, but I do remember being asked quick questions as my mom and my cousin were lead away.

I remembered not seeing Ian anywhere and gave a panicked look to Anthony. I asked where Ian was and he pointed to a stretcher with Ian on it. I didn't see too much before he was whisked away out the door, but I did see blood. Quite a bit of it. I felt my eyes well up, and I yelled his name.

Then I fainted.


:O WOAH. You are probably all like, "GURL WHAT DA HELL? WHY YOU DO DIS?" And I'm going to say sorry :(

It's ok to cry... Will be finished in two chapters. One final one next week, and the epilogue after. THEN. That's it. :,(

But enough sadness! I'll see you next week!





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