Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Not you

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm a day late, it's march break and I was lazy :3 (or spring break, whatever you call it :P)

Enjoy the (somewhat short) chapter :D


Chapter 27, Not you


Stupid, stupid, STUPID, computer. Why did it have to die now? I was just about to go on YouTube... And maybe Tumblr. Oh well, no doing that now.

"GAHHH.." I yelled in frustration. Ian did say we would get a new one... But I wouldn't let him but me a new one. That wouldn't be fair. I'll have to get a job and get the stuff that I want! Yeah... I owe them anyway.

I plopped back onto the couch and sighed for the millionth time. The computer sparked, as if to say, "Hehehe I died. Fuck you."

"Well fuck you too... Good for nothing computer..." I said.

Maybe I should make a YouTube video. At least that would give me something to do...

I went into the computer room and grabbed the vlogging camera. I also grabbed the tripod for the camera, who knows what I could do. Maybe a challenge? No, they are more fun with other people. I know! I'll talk about food! Why? Because I'm hungry...

I set up the tripod in my room so it was facing the headboard. I made my bed all nice and I sat on it, turning on the camera.

"Hey guys! It's Raina. And I'm here to talk about..." I did a "jazz hands" motion and then said, "FOOOOOD!!" I laughed at my reaction.

"Welcome to the one and only food tag! I made this up... Mostly because I'm alone and hungry.."

Then I went on malt up questions like, "Favorite food, Least favorite food, favorite sea food, ect. This was actually a lot of fun!

~About 10 minutes later~

"Well, I hope you enjoyed my video! Make sure to subscribe, like, and favorite! Also, leave a comment, telling me what to do next! Byeeeeeeeee!"

I shut off the camera and put the tripod back in the computer room along with the camera. I took out a sticky note and wrote on it,

"Don't delete video until I can edit it :) -Raina" I sighed, but with content this time. I did something productive! Yay.

What to do... What to dooo... No laptop... Maybe I'll just play video games. Enough being productive!

I went back into the living room and turned on the Xbox, looking at my many options to play. I decided on not playing a video game, but watching Netflix. Yes! Time to watch the walking dead!

But my stomach growled and I remembered how hungry I was from doing that video. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Hmm.. There was a taco, a jar of pickles and some ham. I'll think I'll take the taco. I'll deal with the owner of the taco later...

I put the taco on a plate from the cabinet and grabbed a coke from the fridge. Lunch achieved!

I walked back to the couch and sat down, looking up at the tv screen and seeing Netflix load. I took a bite into the taco and then sipped from my coke.

"Ahhh.." There was nothing better than this. Nothing to do, relaxing, watching Netflix and food. My favorite things.

~Many walking dead episodes later~

"That's it?" I asked myself. "STUPID CLIFF HANGER!"

I was in an especially good mood (even after that maddening cliff hanger) and was just... Happy. Even my laptop broke but that didn't matter. I was happy!

I stopped slouching on the couch and stretched my back, yawning. It was only about 11:00am. Ian and Anthony would be gone for a looong time... Sometimes the shoots take up to 15 hours of filming! Damn, you'd have to be really committed to do that. And they ARE really committed.

After day dreaming, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and went over to the front room, unlocking the door. "Must be Ian or Anthony.." I thought to myself.

I opened the door and was very surprised. A girl stood there. She looked to be in her twenties and was very pretty with long brown hair and shocking blue eyes. She looked me up and down and smacked her gum, her iPhone in one and a giant purse in the other. I didn't like the look of her.

"Hey. Is a guy named Ian here?" She asked, looking down at her phone and typing something in, not even paying attention to me.

"I, uh," I cleared my throat. "Who are you?" Her eyes snapped up and I felt threatened. She gave me a glare, followed by a smirk.

"Who's asking?" Whoever this bitch is, I don't like her.

"Raina. What's your business here?" I said, being straight forward.

"I said, is there an Ian here. I'd like to have a talk with him."

"I'm sorry, but he's not here now. And I'd like to know why you want a talk with him.. I can take a message." I didn't like her at all... But what makes her seem so familiar? I know I've never seen her before.

"I have some... Unfinished business with him."

"What's your name? I'll tell him you stopped by."

"Tell him," she said then gave a smirk. "Natalie came."

And with that she shut the door in my face, walking back to her car.

"Natalie..." I whispered.


Oh nooooo! Sorry for the cliff hanger ;)

So what do you think about Natalie being back? I honestly added that for some excitement :) betcha didn't see her coming back.

Birthday shout out for my friend Skye! She makes fanfics with me and has her own WattPad account so you should go follow her and with her a happy birthday :3

Skye's account: justsomelovatic

Hope you enjoyed your break (if you had one :3) and have a great day at school tomorrow! (Said every mom ever)

See ya next week recruits! :D





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