Epilogue #2

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Wow so... give or take two years and I finally update. As much as I'd love to update this, my passive for smosh is certainly not what it used to be. I understand that things change, and that can suck sometimes, so here's a somewhat real version of how I'd see Raina and Ian in the year 2017. Please, no hate towards how I directed the story. It might not be accurate to real life situations in terms of the brand itself, just understand that this is how I would feel in Ian's situation. Thank you:)

I know I've changed a lot over these past few years, but maybe, just maybe, there's some old readers out there. If there are, this one's for you. 

Enjoy the chapter!

Raina's POV

It's been almost three years now since Ian and I got engaged, two since we've been married, and one since we moved out of the house into our own home. Not a lot has changed, and yet so much has, in these few short years.

"Raina," Ian said, throwing his head back in his office chair, "can you help me with something?"

I smiled, and stood up carefully, trying not to move around too much with my swollen stomach. This baby will be the death of me, I swear.

"What's up?" I asked, and threw my arms around his neck. Ian said nothing and continued to stare at the open word document on his computer. "Ian?"

"I can't do this..." He sighed and hung his head in defeat. "It's not the same at all."

I knew he was referring to the recent changes in the Smosh brand, the biggest being Anthony leaving. It really took a toll on the whole crew we've built up over the years, and for Ian, the dynamic duo was what kept a lot of the fun for him. A brand, like any big company, has certainly been a change.

"I know you still have it in that funny little head of yours," I comforted, trying my best to sound supportive, "you can always ask Mark for help." Ian huffed.

"Un-fucking-likely." He retorted and it was now my turn to sigh and hang in defeat. He's been at this damn script for hours.

"Hey, why don't we take a break for a bit... go get a coffee?" I suggested, and awaited a grumpy response. Instead I was met by Ian getting off the office chair and getting onto his knees, pulling me, or rather, the baby bump, into his face.

His muffled response was barely audible, "No coffee for you." I laughed and ruffled his short hair. "Fine, but let's get you out of this house," I said, "or at least this messy office."

He huffed playfully and said, "It is not messy!" I laughed again and dragged him onto his feet where I nearly lost my balance. Luckily, I was caught by "my knight in shining armour" and was met with a light kiss on the lips.

We left the office, stepped into our shoes at the front foyer and stepped into the warm california sunshine.

Ian was adamant that I was not to drive, so I let him take charge. I turned the radio on and let the song wash over our comfortable silence. I loved taking drives, especially with dummy over here. I closed my eyes and waited to see where the day would take us.

- Some time later -

"Alright, so ice cream was a pretty good idea" I said to Ian and he stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled briefly but my thoughts were interrupted.

"What are you going to do about the channel?" I blurted this out, I honestly couldn't hold it back much longer. He stopped eating his cone and looked out past where we sat, over the city streets, deep in thought.

"Honestly, Raina, I don't know," he said eventually, "I can't stand not having control over my comedy. It feels like a joke, I didn't mean for this... I just want to feel like I did the right thing, you know?" He looked at me and I just looked, not knowing what to say. "You did.", I said and looked off in the same direction Ian was.

We sat in silence for what felt like ages. I couldn't believe that I'd asked it, since Ian was so stressed out lately, but it was for the best. I reached over and squeezed his arm, holding it close to my side. We sat like this for a while, and eventually went back to the house.

We decided to ignore the previous conversation topic at the ice cream place and watch a movie or two. About half way through one of the transformers movies, I started to drift off, which Ian noticed right away.

"Alright, time for bed then, huh." He said and slipped off the couch from where he was seated.

"Don't you dare try and carry me, Ian Hecox," I said, "I swear on this child's life!"

He grinned and said, "Don't you dare test my manly strength, Raina Hecox!" He wrapped his arms around me and with one great heave, lifted me off the couch and began to stumbled from the living room to the staircase. He stopped about midway before setting me down on the steps, attempting to catch his breath.

"I think you need to lay off the ice cream, m'lady" I snorted and playfully punched his arm.

"And me thinks you should be less of an asshole, my liege." Ian laughed and took my hand, leading me up the stairs where we both collapsed on the bed and passed out.

We dreamt happily together, never forgetting the real reason we had each other for.

Our very own perfect family.


So there you have it, your very own updated "It's okay to Cry". Crazy shit right there. I know it's a bit short, but it's something. Tbh I'm supposed to be working on my short documentary right now, but I wrote this at work instead... whoops?

As for me, I'm working two part time jobs, one in retail and one as an assistant video editor for a film company, I'm about to turn 18 and graduate high school (a year early, must I add, lol). 

Please feel free to comment what's up with any of you guys? Any old readers still out there? Any new fans?

Maybe I'll write more? We'll see. 

If you want some insight into my life, maybe go follow my instagram and see who tf I am                   @ simply_aivry on instagram! 

Thanks, again, to anyone who reads. It means a lot, even if I have no compelling thoughts about the current Smosh lol. 

As always guys,





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