Chapter Eighteen ~ Hello once again

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Hey guys! I knew that I would be posting soon anyways... I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


Chapter 18, Hello one again


Raina and I sat there for at least 10 minutes. She was so scared and... Well, weak. This was not the Raina that I know. She is usually in a good mood, smiling. And on those days there are pancakes. But there are no pancakes today.

"Ian... How am I supposed to talk to him again? He is... Or was my friend.." She said. I could tell that her voice was raspy and over used. I can only imagine what she went through last night.

"Don't worry. We are going to talk to him. He will understand. I'm sure of it Raina." I smiled reassuringly at her. She tried to smile but it ended up like a sad one. More like a frown. "Stay here. I'm going to go wake Anthony. Or, maybe you should get dressed. I will to." She nodded and left the room. I heard her door shut.

I threw on a pair on jeans, a blue tee shirt and my grey hoodie. When I walked out of my room, I could hear faint noises coming from Raina's room. I knocked softly on her door. "Raina? Are you ok?" Some shuffling noises from inside.

"Oh, uh yeah... I'm fine. I'll just be a second, sorry." I sighed. I knew she wasn't fine. She might not ever be-- no. She will be. And I'm going to help her.

I suddenly felt the urge to punch Anthony. How could he have done this to her? What was he thinking? He may have been drunk, but still. It's not like he didn't know who she was. I don't care if I'm overreacting.

I went across the hallway to Anthony's room. He was still in the bed, but all the blankets were on the floor. I could tell that there was some struggle on the bed, no doubt from last night with Raina.

I walked over to the bedside. I started to shake Anthony. "Wake up. Anthony, wake up." He groaned and rolling to his side.

"Ian? What's wrong?" The fact that he didn't know made me even more upset at him.

I grabbed his shoulders and sat him up. He was dazed and confused, he had just woken up and would no doubt have a hangover.

I just stared at him, my jaw clenched. I could feel the anger rise up inside me. "How could you do that to her?" I managed to say. He still looked confused. He looked like he was thinking... Thinking... How could he have to think? Shouldn't he know?

"How could you!?" I grabbed him and shook him. "Why?! Why?!" I yelled, not caring if anyone heard me.

Raina suddenly ran into the room. She looked scared. She ran to my side and separated Anthony from me. I still shook with anger.

"Raina, what's going on?" Anthony put his hand on her wrist. Raina's eyes grew huge and she flinched away. She really was that scarred.

"What is WRONG with you guys?" Anthony said looked very confused and a little hurt. He really didn't remember?

"You... You don't remember? What happened last night? What you... Did to me?" Raina spoke out, almost whispering.

Anthony was silent. He thought and thought and then his face changed. It was now scared as well, almost as much as Raina's. He knew. I know that he remembers now.

"Raina... I-I was drunk. You don't understand..." He said.

"No. I do understand. I don't care if you were drunk." She said, a new tone coming to her voice. It was anger.

"Please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"You should be." Raina said flatly. She turned around and walked out of the room.

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