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Sadé moved to LA to be with Rihanna. Rihanna proposed to Sadé over a very romantic dinner and Sadé said yes.


Ohmigod I'm getting married. OHMIGOD I'M GETTING MARRIED! and I'm getting married to my only true love, I can't believe this! I must be dreaming. OUCH! Nope, I'm not dreaming because that pinch was realistically sore! What about Chris Brown? No! I can't be thinking about that witch, I've got a wedding to plan!

"Good morning Mrs Fenty" Rihanna says while hugging me from the back.

"Hhhm Mrs Fenty? I could get used to that" I turn around and wrap my hands around her neck and kissed her.

"I love you Sadé"

"I love you too Robyn, now let's have breakfast" We go to sit by the couch with our plates filled with chocolate chip pancakes and glasses filled with orange juice - perfect!

"Have you told your family yet?"

"Oh crap no! I'll do so after breakfast" Rihanna gives a nod and a smile and continues to eat her breakfast.

*Phone call*

"Hello Ouma."

"Hey Oumatjie! How are you?"

"I'm great. Better than great, I'm awesome!" I say almost yelling into the phone.

"Oh wow I can imagine! Oh God , my baby girl is growing up!"

"Oummmaaa don't call me baby girl,only Robyn is allowed to call me that now because well she's just allowed to okay?! So how did you find out that I'm getting married?"

"Are you kidding? You're like all over the news, you're practically getting the same coverage as Charlene Wittstock when she married the Prince of Monaco!"

"Ouma! You lie! Ohmigod really?"

"Yes really, so when are you coming down to South Africa so that we can meet Rihanna?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Okay well I was baking and I think my brownies are burning. Bye baby"

"Bye Ouma"

*End of phone call*

"Hey babe, we are going to South Africa tomorrow right?"

"Right," Rihanna replied coldly, what is wrong with her?

"Hey babe what's wrong?" I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing," she said this time I saw a tear escape from her eye, I pull her in for a hug. 

"It's okay baby, it's okay."

"No it isn't, he is going to kill us!" she said in between sobs. Huh? She said whaaaa? Who is going to kill us??

"What are you talking about baby? Who is going to kill us?"


"What are you talking about baby? Who is going to kill us?" Sadé asked. Should I tell her? Maybe I should but...nope! I'm telling her! It's now or never.

"When you left to call your Ouma, I received a call from a man," Sadé is now rubbing circles on my back, why am I even crying this much?! "he said that if I don't leave you and call off the wedding, he'll kill us both."

"Who is this man?" her hands were now clenched fists and anger was evident in her face but she was also in deep thought trying to figure out who the man is " Wait. This man is Chris Brown isn't it?" I nodded my head and faced the carpet below me. Ugh this place needs to be vacuumed! Pronto! Not the point Robyn...not the point!

"Baby, I'm scared" I said while crying. I probably looked like a mess.

"Aww baby don't worry I will not let him touch us okay?" she said cupping my chin into her hand and wiping the tears off my face using her thumb "Okay? I need you to trust me." She moved lose strands of my hair away from my face and I just nodded and then she pulled me into a hug.

"I trust you," I said with my head on her shoulder.

"I love you Robyn and nothing will tear us apart okay?"

"I love you too..."

HAPPY EVER AFTER...NOT REALLY (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now