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This is my first story and it took me a while to write. Forgive the incorrect grammar and possibly spelling now and vote and comment guys. Please.

I wake up in sweat again and I'm quickly gripping my knife , it's what I've learned to do in my years of living here and barely sleeping, they haunt my dreams and urge me to protect my self in every way. This is the only way to live in this world where men sell their souls for a power above them and where being a girl has become unfortunate.

This is my home. This where I should feel safe, but safety left ten years ago when I was nine and it never came back. Now they roam around us and threaten to kill us, in my town the population of venoms VS human, is greater and that means we are the slaves and they are the masters, but I'm the only one who believes this.

They are called Venoms by us humans and it has sort of stuck with them now. They are things that may look like us, but be careful they are not us and don't be fooled, their lies are thicker than honey and sweeter than suger. I know because my Mother chose them over me and I've had to be passed from family to family until I turned eighteen and I returned home. Here.

You see Venoms can give you anything you want for a trade , of course and in my town too many people want too many things. Things I don't think they need, things I would never wish for.

All I ever wanted was love, it's a longing locked deep in my heart and when I make enough money I'll pack up and leave.

08:00. Am. Right now I have already finished showering and I'm taking my uniform and putting on, it's not the ones I see on TV, no. It's a black turtle neck that doesn't reach my stomach and a short skirt that's a little above my knees and where I work heels are compulsory. It's barely who I am and it makes me uncomfortable, but that's just my first job. Yes, I have two.

My long hair is tied into a bun and I put on lip gloss. Here you don't want to be too attractive or too unattractive, because your survival depends on it.

The weather is greate today, not too hot and not too hot. My beat up Beatle is sadly looking at me, I'll have to get some gas after work and probably new lipstick. I leave on the part of town surrounded by green and tall houses that look down upon passers, my Mother had a lot of money and unfortunately left with it. You want to know about my Father? Well , the coward was chasing some myth and died. Sad, because I know that is just a lie created by my Mother.

I was raised with lies, I hate them now and that will never change.

"Hey, sad face!" Brenda's loud voice is sounding. She has to shout all the time. "Get in!"

"Hey" I'm saying as I close the door of her Mercedes.

This is the only friend I have. Only person with the key to my house. My best friend.

Her hair is a golden shade of blonde that I can only hope I had. She's tied her hair into a bun and her big blue eyes are hidden behind a pair of designer glasses, she's smelling of expensive perfume and her car is filled with it too. I don't have time for such luxuries, because unlike her I had to get out of this place. Forever.

Brenda's parents are rich, really rich and that means she sees life through tainted eyes and that makes her no threat and that means everyone sees me the same. You never open your mouth and speak of hating the venoms, ever.

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