4. Close Vulnerability

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It's 20:45 PM.

I'm off work and I'm exhausted from helping Terra move , even though it was fun with Hanna there and actually finding out she's not that bad, but she's actually as miserable as the three of us. It was just us girls and talking about High school memories, funny things and awkward fist kisses and I don't know whether that came up to cheer Brenda up or what, because she had been sulky since last night.

It was because of Paul, the guy is an ass and sometimes I think Brenda is not as happy as her Mother boasts or how she thinks I'm believing it. She's as miserable as she has ever been, but she keeps hoping that Paul will love her, but I think it's impossible.

We headed to my place and had lunch, then went shopping for a while and talked more until I had to work. There was a problem with Tina, who couldn't come to work so I had to cover for her and I don't mind, anyway.

Now I do though, Summer is slowly walking in but it's still a little dark and not that safe for walking home, I have been calling Brenda and she's not picking up, I can't call Terra or Hanna.

I'm starting to get nervous now, I'm not that far from the restaurant but not that close either and the streets with shops is not packed tonight, it'll be in a few days and the air damp.

I'm standing near this bench and I'm about to attempt to call Brenda again, even though I'm sure she's with Paul who's probably telling her lies.

I'm dressed in a black crop top and a long black skirt with sneakers and my hair is tied into a ponytail and I'm holding my phone, checking the time and waiting for her to call me.

She's not going to.
My neighborhood is an hour away by foot and I will have to pass the woods or walk up my driveway on my own. Anti-Venoms go crazy this time of the year and especially this time of the day. I have no choice , but to walk home and pray no one decides I'm fun.

The road is lonelier and haunting, it's telling me to go back and to go ask one of my colleagues to give me a ride home.

It's too late for me to back down now, the bright lights are slowly disappearing and the dark is making me want to cry, my hands are shaking and my clothes are starting to get damp from the light rain that is starting to fall. It's like the cries of a weak women, tears that are from eyes tired from keeping them. I'm nervous, because now I'm turning away from people and moving to the hilly part of the Town that I live in.
Bad idea.

A honk makes me jump and I turn around to see this car, it's slowing down and my heart is beating against my chest, threatening to rip from my chest and fall to the ground.

I'm about to meet the curved road and no way am I going to be able to run, the driver might run me over and kill me.
The honk is hit again.
I'm stopping.
Green eyes are greeting me, along with a wicked smile and a handsome face.
"Need a ride?"
I'm already taking of my backpack as I nod. Whether I go in or not, I'm under threat and if I refuse he might get angry, it's better to get in.

He's car smells too clean, too clean and his face is making me more scared. I'm nineteen and a virgin, I might be sold to the Thorns and that is not exactly good, because the Thorn prince is one feared by many and I can't bear their heir.

"Where you heading?" he's not from around here, his English accent is a huge giveaway.
"Not far from here, just go straight" I'm smiling.

"Why aren't you with your boyfriend or-"

"My boyfriend is at work and I don't want to disturb him" I'm saying softly, playing with the ring I purposely put on my finger at night. "Here for the summer?"

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