13. Blood Games.

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Guys please read my story and ask more friends to do so. Please please

I have been tossing and turning , trying to get this voice out of my head. It's driving me crazy and each time I close my eyes all I can hear is this voice and it's telling me what I already know and that is the fact that I'm hurting him without even trying and now I have ruined their relationship. I'm just in his way.

I'm now slowly getting out of the bed, careful not to wake Brenda up and it's hard since she's sensitive to any sound and movement. It's taking me a while longer to change into my sweat pants and sneakers, the outside is calling to me in a way it hasn't before and I need some time to think.

Let's be realistic, he will never love you. He can't love you. He never will and you'll go crazy trying to convince yourself you didn't ruin his life.

I'm in the kitchen faster than ever before and my hand grabs something cold and sharp. I'm running out of the house as if something is chasing me and the air outside leads me to my backyard ,where there grass is soft and green. The big tree still looks up in me with disappointment, the stars above are brighter than I feel and it's making me worse. All I can hear is the sound of this loud voice I'm my head, it's loud enough that I can hear it louder than any sound around me and I'm covering my ears. The sound turns into a lough similar to mine but sinister like and insane, I'm pressing my hands harder against my ears and it just gets louder.

I know I'm screaming, but I can't hear it. It's like I'm closed from hearing any sound and it's frustrating me more.

The knife is tightly gripped and it's looking at me, the sharp and pointing at me is pointing in my eye and...

"Cindiey, put that thing down" his voice I hear and I'm jumping, the knife falls.

His eyes are sharp and I feel like I'm seven and have been caught stealing cookies when I know they are not good for my health. His eyes lock with mine for too long.

"Look at me" he grips my chin hard and is turning me to his direction.

"What?" my voice is too low. I'm really avoiding him for some reason.

"Cindiey, look at me" his hand gets tighter and I know he'll break my chin if I don't look at him.

"I'm looking at you" I manage to sound childish like always.

His eyes turn , I can see a slight red colour in his iris.
"That's how your eyes look like right now"

"What? W-wh-"

"He was in your head, it's the side effects" he is removing his hand from my chin, but still is looking at me.

"Was I-"

"Relax" he sits across me. His taking my hands into his, they are firm and warm.

I'm taking a deep breath.
"Like that?"

"Don't worry, it'll go away. You just have to act on it" his making circles on my hand with his long finger. My heart beat starts to pick up and my cheeks heat up, making it hard for me not to grin.

"What do you mean?" I'm nervously asking.

"I know you're angry at me" he actually smiles. It's this wide grin that makes his dimples visible and his look like they are squinting, something I have never seen before.

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