8. A hand offered .

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Guys please vote and comment. Please. It's highly appreciated by me and I just want you to remember it's my first story.
Sorry for the short chapter!
Thankx to people  who vote +comment it means  a lot to me.

"Brenda!" I'm finding my self gasping.

"What?" she's smiling.

"Who said you could you invite people to stay at my house?" I'm looking at her. She's finally up from the couch and is now standing near Jen.

"C'mon, Cindiey. The good places must be booked right now and the weather is probably going to be this way for a few days" she's now pleading her case using her melodic voice and baby blue eyes. "And we're all alone here and besides, we all got something in common"

"Like what?" Jesse is the one to ask.

"Like Paul and uhm....this book, I think you guys want it back and I want to see Paul not succeed" she's saying calmly. "And besides that's just my chance to get away from him"

Since when was Brenda spiteful? Wait, what does she mean by get away from him? Things must be bad, because Brenda is not one to turn away or hide away. She's the bravest one out of the two of us and that I can't deny it.

"You would help us find it , why?" Jesse is looking at her suspiciously.

"I'm not on Paul's side. You don't know me, so please don't judge me" she's saying confidently.

"It's not like I have to trust you" he sighs.

"Look, Jesse. You can stay if you want or don't, it's your choice and...I ....Brenda and I don't trust you either, we just want the black book" I'm calmly saying. "And after that we can all pretend we have never met"

"Deal" he's giving me a small smile.

"Okay. So, uhm...let me show you your rooms" Brenda is grinning at Jen who's smiling at her. It's hard not to appreciate her smiles, they have a way of bringing lightness to a situation and I guess now Jen can sleep, because I can tell this book has caused a lot of sleepless nights and I feel for her.

I can hear her tell her that she can get her stuff later and I'm rolling my eyes.

"Why aren't you following her?" I'm asking him.

It has been a while since I have sat on these tall and thick deep maroon couches , for more than an hour or without having to use the bathroom as an excuse to get up. To be away from the couch.

"Is she always this talkative?" Jesse is asking me lazily.

"Yeah" I'm laughing.

"Oh. So, you live here all alone?" he's asking, not out of curiosity or concern but just asking.

"Yeah" I'm nodding.

"Well, siblings can be annoying at times and uhm...thank you for offering" he's giving me a small smile.

"It's okay, the house needs a bit of more people" I'm shrugging.

"Need to get your stuff?"

"Yeah... and convince Jason to stay. He has pride for too many of us" he's running a hand through his dark hair similar to the way Jason does it.

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