21. Two.

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Too many of them.

I hate him more than he thinks I do and what I'm feeling right now is the reason why he's on the floor.

I'm  taking my shoes off and my socks are following. 

I don't  know how I'm  going to get put of here,  tears are already falling down my cheeks as I'm  feeling for his pulse and luckily he's  still alive,  but I'm  not staying  here or calling for help.  How will I explain? Oh,  he hit himself in the head.

There's  no use in me walking around like a spy,  because  this place doesn't  have many hiding places and I'm  just going to do it.
I'm  walking around and to my  relief the steps are not that far from me. 

But how do I get out down there?
He's  sitting still as night across my Father and he's  listening to everything  that man is telling him.  They should be both strangers  to me,  but Jason is the stranger that is protecting him and he can't  be a stranger,  not him.

"Hey! " the girls is shouting from behind me,  but I'm  not listening at all. I'm  just heading to that table with fury and fear,  because  when they find him unconscious on the floor  and me out of the room,  they'll  kill me.

I want to get out of here.

"I think we've been here for too long" I'm  standing near him.

His face is not the one  I want to see and he's  not even moving.  His too still and cold as ice.

"You could have given us more time.  I wonder why Jacob let you out? " he is casually talking to me like I'm  his friend.

"Caleb,  we have to go" I'm  holding my ground.

"So early? "

If hell  could be like a moment in your life where witness  something that you never thought you could,  then what happening right now is Hell  and I'm  more than terrified.

This gun doesn't  look anything I have seen in movies,  because  I don't  own one.  Something about guns scares me,  the thought of holding it and taking someone's  life is rather  heavy,  especially  since I think I might have killed someone and this whole commotion  is because  of that.

Jason is calm though. I phased.  By my side.  Jason.

There's  probably more than twelve of them, I'm  too focused on my Father  to count  their heads  and I'm  sure we are out numbered. It will only take one bullet from a gun my own Father's  holding to kill me and that will be that.

"You know,  for years we've  had to let you people take  over.  What you are is...unnatural and you're  not dragging my daughter where you're  going" he's  saying calmly, aiming the weapon  at his chest.  At his heart.

Jason  is still.  Not moving.  Like he has  accepted this and seems unsurprised  by most things regarding human and it annoys me.  It's  like he expects  nothing more of us,  like we're  so predictable and useless... No,  foolish and impulsive.  I know that's what he thinks of me. It's  like he has studied human behavior,  like he finds us less intriguing  and just plain stupid.

"I don't  have the energy for this" this is  similar  to what he told James that night.  Why does he let people hurt him? Why is he like this?

"Pity, because  you're  all the same and we can't  live together.  Don't  think there's  too much space " he is clearly  sending a message  here.

"So,  your plan is to what? To kill us all including your kind?"  Jason manages to make me nervous.

"Are we talking  about  Cindiey?" my Father turns my way and looks at me,  as if now I'm  allowed to talk.

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