14. You might...

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I decided to cast this Demi Lovato. I just think in my head this us how Cindiey looks like. But with darker hair.

I don't know how many showers I took or how many times I scrubbed my body or how may times I cried.

I don't know how I'll survive this.  I don't know how I'll be able to just let these kinds of things just go, what I saw and what he is just took me off guard and make me sick at my self. Sick that I can't help but think about the way he speaks and says my name.

I'm now standing here looking at the floor and I'm wearing my pajamas. I can't sleep though.

"What are doing?" he's voice startled me.

"Oh, it's you"

"Yeah" he's annoyed already.

I'm confused, because this Jason is different from the one that made me moan and did things to my body no guy can.

His drinking coffee without a shirt on and his thin lips are pressed together, his clearly deep in his thoughts and I might be interrupting him. I hate how nervous he makes me feel and if I go he'll win.

I open the drawer and take out my book. I keep them everywhere around my house and I'm pouring my self a glass of milk.

Each time I flip a page I sigh and I'm doing it on purpose, because I want him to talk to me and I have already finished the glass of milk and the book is not the most interesting thing here, because I have read it more than two times and I think I have cried each time, I just never expect his death.

He gets up and leaves me in this kitchen alone. I must be annoying , because he just left me here and I'm upset.

I'm pouring my self another cup, I'm close to reaching my limit of three glasses. More than that I'll gag and I always feel guilty if I'm holding a glass of wine.

He's back in his sit, he's sitting across me on the island and he has an iPad in front of him and he looks serious. I'm too curious.

I'm done with milk. The glass is now being placed in the sink and I can feel his eyes on me.

I'm turning around to find him focused on the screen and whatever it is must be important.
I'm now watching his tense face and bloodless. I feel like a stalker and he's letting me, I'm sure and it's because he likes it.

I have stopped reading now. I'm just looking at my fingers, but I'm finding my self staring st his face and mostly his lips.

"Really? When will this stop?!" his voice makes me jump.

"What?" his voice is sharp and angry.

"Not you. Just what I'm reading" he says lazily.

"Right" I'm nodding.

"Things are getting a bit extreme, the markings are about to implemented" he looks more angry than usual.

"Markings?" I'm confused.

"They are killing all Black shadows" he looks saddened by this. "If you are of black shadow blood, you get killed and we're about to be separated"

"I don't understand" I feel stupid for admitting this.

"Our people and your people have been in talks for a while, I think it's decided now. It's best if humans stay away from venoms because your kind is ...greedy and after my Father signs , you'll be terminated" he's looking at me.

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