24. This Is Now Run! (part two)

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AN: thank u guys so much for voting and commenting on my story.  It means a lot to me.  It keeps me writing 😀😊(-:


"What's  going on? " Brenda is asking  before I can.  The panic is quickly in her blue eyes before Jason  even says anything and I'm  on  my feet.

Searching his eyes for the second panic,  it's only for just a moment  and they are back to that beautiful  green that holds nothing I can  understand.

"Did you pack? " he's  ignoring Brenda and walking in.  He's  looking around the room like he's  a police officer and this is making me race for my closet to get a few of my shoes.

"She packed a few months ago"  Brenda da us looking at me like that is the oddest  thing she has ever witnessed  with her beautiful eyes.

"Good. They'll be here in no moment " he's  standing closer to me.

" Who? " I'm  nervous.

"Your Father and he's  agents"  he clearly has a dislike towards  my Father and I can't  exactly  blame him.

"What do they want? " I'm  tired already.

"This contact I have told me it's  the book and....you"  he looks like he's  about to kill someone,  it's  strange to see emotion  displayed  on his face.

"Of course" I'm  nodding as I'm  closing my suitcase and getting my self look from Jason.

"Cindiey, you'll  need a smaller bag" he's  gesturing towards the back pack that  holds the book because  we both didn't  want to hold it or put it back where it found us.  I'm  sure it found us.

"You mean leave my clothes behind? " I'm looking for at the suitcase.

" Fine.  Take it" he's  yanking it off the bed and Brenda and I have to follow him  downstairs,  where the commotion is and..

"Where  are you-"

"I'm leaving now" Jen is saying with that look on her face.

Jason does not  seem to care about what's  going on.

"We have to leave separately. I think it's  the smartest idea and - "

"Where are you going?"  Jen is now looking at her brother.

"Leaving " he's  just shrugging.

He looks a bit uncomfortable carrying  my purple suitcase and the look Jake is giving him must make him feel worse.

"Are you coming with us?" Jonathan's  eyes hold a little bit of hope.

"Haven't  decided yet" he's  letting his eyes fall on me,  he's  looking at me like this decision  relies on me or what I decide.

Jonathan is nodding and he's  holding the hope he had.  He looks different in the way he's  dressed,  it's  too casual for his style and he probably feels our of place without  a tie  or blazer.

"I think Jonathan and I will  go with Jake " Jen is telling Jason,  I think they will always want h to approve of everything and it's  hard because Jason  chooses  to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Better. I'll  go with Jesse and Brenda"  he's  saying.

"And  then what? " Jesse is asking.

"We'll have to split up eventually and I'm  not going to be home for a while. I need time"  he's looking at Jen.

She's  nodding.

"Be careful,  though" Jonathan is saying proudly.  He's  picking up he's  duffel bag from the floor and moving towards his brother,  he pats him on the back and starts  moving towards the door.

I wonder what's  it like to know you have people who love you this much,  who would do anything for you.  People who clearly don't  want you to go,  a family. I wonder.

We follow after them.

This is where I grew up,  this is where I mostly was and could be found at.  The last place that holds old and new memories,  this house is  now one that will be left alone and I won't  call it lonely  and accept the loneliness,  now I'm  leaving it all alone and its  like a part of me will always be here.

"Come on" he's  hand is on my shoulder.

It has never been this hard to get into a car and just drive away into a world you don't  exactly know. It's  harder than I could ever convince  my self  and it's  making me nervous.


My eyes are still itchy and I'm  sleepy.

Jason and Jesse are not in the front,  Brenda is still sleeping next to me and I'm  looking around me. It's  now morning,  the sun is smiling brightly and looking at us with a joy we just crave.

I have never seen this much traffic,  the line of cars I front  of us is making me nudge Brenda to wake up and she's opening her eyes quickly.

"Where are the boys? " she's  blinking a lot.

I'm  shrugging and I'm  nervous about going to go and investigate.  Not even daylight represents a form of safety,  nothing good is safe and I think Brenda is thinking the same thing.

"Maybe nothing weird is happening  here"  she's  not even convincing  herself  with what she's saying.

"Take care" I hear voices from behind our  car and we spot Jesse's dark blue beanie and Jason's  thin lips and green  eyes that are now looking at me. I'm  not turning around from that face,  I don't  mind seeing those eyes and watching him look at me.

"We sure will,  sir" they tell the officer  dressed in all  black with that tag.  That name that makesy heart start to pick up.

"Take care " he's  giving us a smile,  a flashy Colgate commercial smile. We both nod at him and he's  moving along,  Jason is walking around to the other side of the car and switching places with Jesse.

"We're  almost near a motel. I can tell you guys want to sleep " Jesse is saying and Brenda rests her head on my lap and her eyes are quickly closed. I'm  not sure whether tomorrow is meant to be what we seek or not,  I'm  not even sure about what I feel about what I might have With Jason and I can't  possibly be sure of what he thinks.  I just want him to tell me everything and yet deep down I'm  nervous.

I'm  terrified  of all the pain I will feel. I'm  scared I have feelings for him,  maybe he's  getting to me.

Maybe the truth is that this is my life.

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