12. Enemies

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The mad kicking and banging on the other side of the door stopped and Taeil caught a breath. Jae laid against the wood and listened while Lauren jumped from the bed, the sheet was wrapped around her tiny body like a very long dress. She grabbed all her clothes from the foor and run to the bathroom while they heard Yuta coughing behind the door.

"We... wanted to talk to your little friends, you see they're a little... rude," said Yuta his voice went all nice.

"Vefy bad person! Sicheng delate number Yuta! Now!" said the boy and Jae giggled listening how Yuta begged loud offering to do everything, even to marry Jae right now again just to make the boy keep his number.

But then Sicheng asked a question that made Jae's smile fade.

"Why you-you break door?"

"Oh I guess that is the thing you should better ask your friends," said Yuta and Jae could imagine this mean smile.

A moment later he hard a light knock and Sicheng voice.

"Ffiends please open door."

Taeil glanced at Jae and they both knew there was no way they could keep the door locked as it was Sicheng's room too. Jae sighed and turned the key opening the door with his head low. In this moment like planned Lauren burst out of the bathroom. Sicheng went in and stopped even he needed a few seconds to grasp the situation, Taeil in underwear, Lauren with her t-shirt put on on the wrong side and shampoo dripping down her long hair, and Taeil's clothes all over the floor. Sicheng opened his mouth but than he turned around and ran away. Yuta reacted immediately hurrying behind him but Jae was quicker. He left the room and jumped on Yuta slamming him to the floor painfully. He felt elbows in his ribs and winced. Johnny and Hansol were running towards him and Hansol grabbed his arm and pulled him up in a rude way but in this moment the guy from the front desk came into the corridor, that was as Jae noticed filled with people, and the guy that shared his room when Hansol was glancing at him through his glasses in a interested way.

"You two, to the house host!" shouted the front desk guy pointing at Yuta and Jae.

"I think he might have broken something," whispered Yuta collecting himself from the floor.

Hansol let go of Jae's arm but he and Johnny were sending fist signs towards him and Taeil while Lauren used the fuss to sneak out.

The man truned around and was barely catching his breath from running when they followed him down the stairs and Jae was happy to get rid of all the staring.

"My father will sue you if I'll have even a little bruise," said Yuta when they were walking down the alleys towards the main building.

"I guess bad people don't get huft so easily," muttered Jae wondering where Sichneg might have ran.

He hoped it was to Kun and he decided to check it later.

Right now he was walking hoping he won't be kicked out of university during his second week.

The host's office was very crowded with papers and books and the air in it was very dry. It smelled like if he hasn't opened the windows for months and the smell wasn't nice. The man was old and had narrow eyes and he pointed them to two green chairs with falling off cover.

"What happened?" he asked.

"This two caused a massive drama and a fought in corridor 3 in building A, they also demolished a door to room 25," explained the man from the front desk.

"Actually 25 is my foom, and he had bfoken my doof," said Jae. "I was only defending it," he added.

"Like if I needed your lousy door," Yuta rolled his eyes. "I live in building B my father is the owner of 'Pick and Win' the biggest sport betting company in Asia. If you want some vip tickets for any sport event just let me know," Yuta blinked to the host and Jae groaned.

"'Pick and win'," he said. "Yes I'd love to see the volleyball world championship from first row," he started.

"Will he get away with it only because his fathef is fich!" shouted Jae. "That's unfaif."

"It's this little difference between being someone and no one," said Yuta and Jae wanted to kill him here and now with his bare hands.

"So," the host eyed him up. "No shouting in my office young man."

The front desk guy smiled in a mean way and walked to the door whistling a song loudly and Jae recognized the melody and jumped up.

"Ahhh!" he said.

"I told you not to scream!" shouted the host.

"This song do you like this song?" asked Jae.

"What song?" the man seemed frustrated.

"The on youf wofkef was whistling," explained Jae.

"A tiring summer hit, I'm so fed up with it my daughters are listening to it 24/7," the man rolled him eyes. "Little love thing," he added.

"Little love affaif," explained Jae. "I sing it with my ffiend ffom foom 25."

The man glanced from him to his worker and back to him.

"So can you get me your stupid signature on a CD?" asked the man.

"Yes," Jae nodded.

"Ok let's say this time you both leave with just a warning but next time you will be expelled from the dorms, understood," the man faked a smile.

"Thank you sif," Jae sprang up and shook the man's hand.

"Can we go I have better things to do?" said Yuta getting up.

"Sure, sure, come over tomorrow to sing the CD's," the man glanced at Jae. "And Mr..." he looked at Yuta.

"Nakamoto," he said his surname. "I will call my dad's secretary she can bring you further," Yuta sent the man one of his fake nice smiles and left the room.

Jae was boiling over. He wanted to call Taeyong and complain about his friend once again. He really hoped when Taeyong will come back he will be able to keep Yuta away from them.

 He really hoped when Taeyong will come back he will be able to keep Yuta away from them

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I hope you liked the chapter? What do you think about Sicheng finding out about Taeil and Lauren? What about Jae and Yuta fighting?

Much <3

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