21. Invitation

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The boys helped Jae to move his stuff to Taeyong's flat and he spent a lovely evening in his lover's arms. His world turned from so bad to so good in a moment that he wondered how it could be possible, and he feared the fairy tale bubble will burst any minute. But the next two weeks everything seemed so amazing. He was attending classes, had a short program with his music and was at Taeil's release party. The album came out and was sold out quickly, reaching platinum and Taeil couldn't believe it. Now the giggling girls were all around him, and he got a lot of chocolate boxes, flowers, underwear and love letters wherever he went. A few times Jae caught Lauren staring at Taeil but every time she noticed him she turned around and left. Sicheng was still very distant to them he just came to say hi to Taeyong and once asked Jae to question him from transportation words and numbers.

But Jae was inside a perfect world filled with so much pleasure he guessed he won't be able to get anything better. Each morning when he woke up in Taeyong's arms he felt so happy. Their nights were filled with lust and they tried out things he would be embarrassed to think of months ago, but now he knew each mole on Taeyong's body each scar and he felt so comfortable around him no matter what they did.

He tried to help in the household us much as he could but Taeyong was a perfectionist and rather did everything from cooking to cleaning to laundry himself and Jae protested a lot but Taeyong just shut him with kisses and told him to enjoy his free time.

It was a late Saturday night and because November was on the way it became colder, but Jae was once again in an amazing mood while Taeyong was placing a lot of snacks and five arts of dishes he had prepared on the glass table in the living room.

"Will it be a pafty?" asked Jae who was listening to music on the couch and watched him love with burning eyes.

"Oh, I invited someone," said Taeyong sitting on the couch behind him.

"Who?" Jae glanced at the table.

None of his friends has ever visited the flat since the time when they moved in together, had Taeyong prepared a party for Mr. Jacksonville, or Billy his unpleasant manager, or some family or friends from the company but Taeyong rubbed his hair awkwardly.

"Ym... I invited a Japanese guy you don't like so much," he said apologetically and Jae's smile faded.

Yuta? How on Earth could he invite Yuta? Jae nearly boiled over, but in this moment the doorbell rang and Jae who was ready to make a big drama and shout closed his opened mouth while Taeyong hurried to the door.

"It's bitchy cold," Jae heard the voice he hated so much and moments later he saw the face he hated the most in the whole wide world. "Hello Jae," muttered Yuta forcing a smile on his face.

He walked in his socks to the fluffy rug that was opposite the long leather couch and sat on the floor fixing his brown hair. He wore all back, jeans and a rock band t-shir and a black zipped hoodie.

Taeyong who also preferred some comfortable style today walked to the couch and sat next to Jae.

A awkward silence fell.

"So, lat's eat," muttered Taeyong pointing at the table.

Jae was about to tell that eating in not an option with this guy sitting meters from him but Taeyong grabbed a bowl of delicious snacks and placed it in his hands crossing his plan.

"Do you like my specialities," Taeyong glanced at Yuta who took a small piece of noodles and glanced at it as if it would start to spit out poison any second.

"Yes your cooking is the only one I like," muttered Yuta using the knife to cut the little pieces smaller and placed a part of it into his mouth.

Jae has never seen anyone acting so weird about food, he remembered how Yuta had cried in kindergarten during each luch break when the ladies tried to force some food into him and he was biting them instead.

Nothing has changed since then.

"Fruit?" asked Taeyong placing a basket filled with fruit in front of Yuta and eyeing him up meaningfully, and Jae knew Taeyong was ready to force the food into his friend whatever it may cost.

"Oh," Yuta rubbed the back of his head.

He took a peach and smelled it investigating if it's ok to be eaten.

Taeyong was glancing at him in a strict parent like way and Yuta sighed and bite the peach making a strange face.

"Ok, ok," he muttered taking another bite but the next moment when Taeyong looked away the peach landed back in the basket turned down by the side that was bitten.

Jae shook his head.

Watching Yuta struggle with such a simple thing as food was very pleasant for him and he ate a lot. Taeyong seemed worried, he even used his chopsticks to feed Yuta some meat and vegetables, but his friend jumped up and decided to visit the bathroom and Taeyong hurried behind him, while Jae glanced into his plate.

They came back red as if they had argued and returned to their places, Taeyong on the couch Yuta on the floor.

Jae knew the evening is getting long and the atmosphere was tense so he finished his sandwich and got up.

"Night," he muttered placing a kiss on Taeyong's lips and tossing Yuta an upset glance.

"Night babe," Taeyong caressed his arm while Yuta muttered something between night and finally.

Jae walked out of the living room and reached the bedroom there he slammed the door shut. He hoped Yuta will leave the flat soon. He wanted to call Doyoung and tell him about this terrible evening but then he decided against it. He took his pajmas and a towel and walked towards the bathroom but then he heard a quiet conversation in the living room. Curiosity burned in him and he sneaked to the end of the corridor where he stopped covered by the darkness and he listened carefully.

 Curiosity burned in him and he sneaked to the end of the corridor where he stopped covered by the darkness and he listened carefully

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So what do you think about Taeyong inviting Yuta? What do you think Jae will overhear?

Much <3

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