Hello there ! I, ThatChristian ( Or T.C) will be doing your review.
for your book.
I'm gonna be fully honest and give criticism where it's needed and praise where it's due.
So if you get mad, sorry but the truth hurts and that's what I am here to do, provide the truth.Author : Lauren_jessicaa
Book : Rebelle
Genre : Fantasy
Reviewer Admin : ThatChristianCover : Scale 1 to 10, I'd rate a 7. ( -3) The most color in the entire thing is red and black. Not very eye catching. y eye catching. However, I think the symbol is very cute, seems to give a feeling like the Hunger Games symbol did. It was a little hard to read the title and the Author names itself due to the background and how small it was. Overall it wasn't very eye catching and I think it would get passed over easily. Maybe try getting someone to make a cover for you. There's several accounts on Wattpad that provide that service.
Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation : Your Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are excellent. I was very happy to be able to read the book without having to point out errors. So I would give you a 10 on a 1 to 10 scale.
Description : the description was very interesting, I believe it would hook the reader, and make them excited about reading the book. You plainly explained the situation and what the book was about. Wasn't too long either. So I'll give a 10.
Note : This is VERY important so you need to pay attention to this.
When reading a chapter I came across fowl languguage. I don't know if you already requested your book before you found out about the rule, but in the future requests keep it clean or request a totally different review team.Problem : I have a problem with the chapters of the story. The problem, is your chapters are TOO LONG!!! Making your chapters so long will make the reader lose interest in your book QUICK! You have your paragraphs so long that it makes the reader lose interest as well. Not to mention the reader could easily lose their place. (Even I was losing interest and I love fantasy books like yours.) (-1)
Tip : Make your paragraphs a maximum of maybe 7 lines and a minimum of 4. It isn't an essay and you can fit a lot on one line. Even if your chapters run a little longer, doing this will help the reader stay focused. (Which I don't recommend really long chapters.) and continue reading.
I hope I wasn't too harsh but it's the truth. OVERALL : 1 to 10 , 6 . The minus 4 points was for your long chapters and paragraphs and your cover.
So continue on and God bless.
With all Love----ThatChristian
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