Review: When the three stars align

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Reviewer: Leader Black

Author: BooksAreSmiles
Book title: When the three stars align
Genre: Teen fiction

Okay let's do this!

Description: 7/10

You're description was interesting but the way you spaced out the sentences was the only thing I would change.

Grammar 5/10

When I started reading, I noticed that you made some mistakes in your grammar and punctuation. The first three chapters definitely need some editing. And also when your giving the definition of names, I would have like a separate chapter for that. One more thing to change is, put Thea's thoughts italicized. They will be better to understand that way. You don't have to italicize all of them but just some. Oh! Here's what you can do for the definition of names, italicize them! ;)

Cover: 10/10 The cover is absolutely perfect for the book! Great job:)

OVERALL: You have a good story going it just needs some work :) We hope this review helps you in some way.

-Black Widow

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