Big news!!!

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ThatChristian The_Last_Skittle brxdgette_b PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING:

Hello all, now first I want to say that the requests that were accepted WILL be finished by February. I have something very important to y'all, we are changing this group! This group will now be a Christian group where every Monday we will chose a new topic. Now I know some of you might be upset by this decision, but I felt like God is calling me to do it. Admins, read the note below:

Hey guys! I want y'all to know that if you want to leave the GROUP because of the new changes, I completely understand. Thank you all for your hard work and effort! This group probably would have failed without y'all 💜 For the admins that will stay with the new group, there's a few new rules:

2) In order to have a new topic every week, we will have to have communication one day every week.
3) No one will have the password to this account at all. Unless I decide that I want to give it to one of y'all.
4) And the last one is some of the decisions we make will be group decisions or leader.

-Leader Black W

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