Mr. Jones

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So here's the first chapter! I'm so excited for you guys to read this! Please comment, I'd love to hear what all of you think!

Emma's POV

"Ouch!" I squeaked as I stubbed my toe on the end of my bed. I was running around like a mad woman in an attempt to not be late for my very first day at a new school. Today was already off to a horrible start.

First, I'd been an idiot and forgot to set my alarm. Then, I discovered that my moronic stepdad used the last of the toothpaste. And now, I probably just broke my damn pinky toe.

I wasn't used to setting an alarm because Mom always woke me up before she left for work. But five seconds after we moved, she had to go on yet another business trip. Her stupid job was the whole reason we moved to this ghost town in the first place. She was the head marketing executive of EF Enterprises.

It was the reason we had moved the last five times. Her boss relocated her every few years. We'd live in Portland, Phoenix, Tallahassee, Boston, Manhattan, and now Storybrooke. It was a small town on the coast of Maine. I'd never even heard of it until a few weeks ago when she'd announced we were moving.

And now I was stuck alone with Mom's obnoxious husband of two years, Walsh, for the next three weeks. Walsh was a lawyer, one more reason I wasn't too keen on the guy. I hated lawyers, all they were was paid liars.

Mom had met him a few years back when a client had attempted to unjustifiably sue her company. He'd pursued her after the trial was over, and for some insane reason, she let him.

It was no secret that my mother had terrible taste in men. All of her boyfriends had either ended up cheating on her, or only being with her for the money. A couple she'd found out had even been married.

Walsh was just an annoying jackass, simple as that. To be honest, he'd never really done anything to deserve my immense hatred towards him. I just had a bad feeling about the guy, something about him got on my nerves.

But then I thought that about all of mom's significant others, and I usually turned out to have good reason. This was the first serious relationship she'd had since my dad. Unfortunately, I'd never met him.

Mom was only eighteen when she became pregnant with me, and I guess my dad couldn't handle the responsibility and ran away. I had a feeling there was more to the story then that, but I'd probably never know. Mom didn't like talking about him.

It was too painful, and she wanted to keep her past buried, especially from me. The only thing I knew about him was that his name was David.

I'd fantasized so many times of what he would look like, or talk like. If I'd gotten my blonde hair from him, or if he had an accent. What did he do for a living, what were his hobbies?

And I'd wondered so many times what it would be like to have a dad. Or if I'd ever get to meet him. But I knew it was never going to happen, it was just a dream too good to be true.

I searched through my closet, looking for an outfit, and failing miserably. I didn't want to be too dressy, but it was my first day, so I wanted to look somewhat presentable.

I didn't understand why I was so nervous. I'd done this a million times before. And I was so glad that this was going to be the last time I ever would. Finally, I'd made it to my senior year.

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