Picking Up The Pieces

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I am so, so sorry this took so much longer than usual! I had family in town and then came down with the stomach flu. I'm going to be busy a lot this summer working and getting ready for college in the fall so me updating every two weeks might become a regular thing. But I promise to try to update as quickly as I can :)

Writer's POV

David led a reluctant Mary Margaret back to his office. No one was flashing them any wide eyes or furrowed brows as they walked past, which must have meant they hadn't heard their huge spat.

"All right, I'm listening," Mary Margaret sighed once David had the door shut behind them. She crossed her arms over her chest, and stood as farthest from her former lover as the space they were in allowed.

There were a million other things she'd rather be doing than having this conversation. But this was for Emma, and as she had proven many times, Mary Margaret would do anything for her daughter.

"Do you remember that day how I told you before we split up that we'd meet back at eight sharp by the amusement park I took you to our first date?" David asked.

"David, that was the day my whole world fell apart, of course I remember," Mary Margaret rolled her eyes at him, her voice oozing with annoyance. "Every detail of it is unfortunately seared into my brain. Including the part where you never came and set me up instead for stealing those stupid watches. Now instead of taking a stroll down memory lane can you please just cut to the chase?"

Did he seriously think she had forgotten? A person never forgets the worst day of their life, when they lose not only their love, but their freedom as well. That was the day Mary Margaret swore to never let another person in the way she had David ever again. He had taught her many things during their thieving days together, the most important being to never trust anyone ever again.

"I was until you so rudely snapped at me. No one likes a mean girl, Snow," he scolded teasingly. Mary Margaret balled her hands into tight fists. David was really asking to get his ass kicked.

He used to do this all the time, whenever they were fighting he'd bring out that charming playfulness of his, always successfully coaxing a smile or laugh out of the woman before him. He had known how to cheer her up during her darkest days, being able to bring her back from the edge. It drove Mary Margaret insane the effect this man had over her, but she wasn't about to let it show.

"I've earned rude, now quit playing cute, and get to it," she retorted in a extremely snarky tone. "You've got eight minutes."

David cleared his throat, composing himself. Mary Margaret was absolutely right. After what he had put her through, he deserved for her to be as nasty and as hostile towards him as she pleased. He had a mission to accomplish in these last eight minutes Mary Margaret was allotting him. And it wasn't to act like a big dork, it was to convince her to let him be in their daughter's life.

He just couldn't help but act this way, despite the circumstances, seeing the woman he was still undeniably in love with made him feel so happy and full of life again. He had missed her terribly every day for the last seventeen years. When he had been forced to leave her, a big part of him seemed to have died along with their love.

David just hoped that Mary Margaret would believe him about the true nature of how their separation transpired. He desperately needed for her to understand that abandoning her was the last thing he had ever wanted to do, he was left with no choice.

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