Don't Want To Lose You

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Killian's POV

"Well, what do you expect when dating a child?" Belle snorted after giving her a play by play of what happened this weekend. Minus a few personal details. "They love to test boundaries and defy us adults every chance they get."

"Emma is not a child, she's a woman," I argued irritated. "A very stubborn, hard-headed woman, might I add. One who can't seem to get it through that thick skull of hers that this should have already been dealt with three days ago."

On Sunday morning, the first thing I made Emma do after she woke up was pull out her cell phone and dial her mother's number. Which she had, but unfortunately, it went to voicemail.

When I asked for her to try again, she came back with the excuse that her mom was most likely in a meeting, and that they tended to be hours long. An hour later, I pestered Emma to call again until she finally got an answer. And conveniently, there never was one.

Why was she being so bloody difficult? Her being stubborn was one thing. I was used to her strong-willed attitude. But this was far beyond ridiculous. I couldn't fathom any reason why Emma was dodging the dilemma we had on our hands.

Revealing to her mother what happened and the two of them then passing it on to the cops would give her the one thing she had desperately wanted for two years. To be rid of the man she despised most in this world.

If I had an opportunity such as this one to dispose of the nuisance Gold represented in my life, I'd gladly grasp it by the horns. Emma had a chance to get Walsh tossed behind bars so that he never was able to bother her ever again. So why the bloody hell wasn't she doing just that?

"Do you remember that time in college when we went to some frat party, and one of the pledges cornered me?" Belle asked, snapping me out of my intense pondering.

Her words brought images to my mind of the unpleasant memory instantly. During Belle's freshmen year of college, and my sophomore, we had decided to go to the party one of the many douche bag invested frat houses on campus was hosting.

During my entire high school and college career, I had never been the party type. I preferred to stay at home reading or listening to music rather than being surrounded by a bunch of drunk and high wankers.

But Belle had begged me to accompany her until I said yes. She had always been the more outgoing and social one, where as I kept to myself and was untrusting of everyone. In my opinion, people were always guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around.

Shortly after arriving, Belle had been swallowed up by an army of sorority Barbies that she was pledging for, separating us. About forty five minutes later, I went to seek out the lavatory, and when I turned the corner, I found some frat boy pinning Belle against the wall.

"How could I forget? By the time I found you, that sleazy prick had his hand shoved up your blouse," I recalled with clenched teeth.

"But you were able to get him off of me before he did any real damage," Belle reminded softly, patting my shoulder to calm me when she saw how worked up I was getting. "And then you told me I needed to file a complaint because it still counted as sexual assault."

"Which it did." Just because I'd easily knocked out the drunk dickhead in one swing before he'd done to Belle what he came after her for, did not make it any less of harassment.

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