The Truth Always Comes Out

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This chapter will be a little different from previous ones, only because part of it will be told in neither Emma's or Killian's POV. And a big secret is going to be revealed over the course of this chapter and the next one 😏 Enjoy reading! 😊

Emma's POV 

I bounced around uncontrollably in my seat, nervously tapping my foot up and down as I anxiously waited for Principal Nolan to call me into his office.

After first period, Killian informed me that Belle had spoken to Principal Nolan during class, and that he was going to do just as she'd asked. But first he wanted to talk it over with me before contacting my mother. That way I was aware of what was going. I admired him including me in the plan to bring my mom home. 

Once that was taken care of, Mom would be back in Storybrooke, I could tell her what Walsh had done, and then we'd be on our way to the sheriff's station. It sounded as easy as pie, like there would be no bumps in the road and everything would go swimmingly. But that was all wishful thinking.

Life was far too messy and unfair for this to go down the way it should. Killian continually assured me last night, and into the morning, that I had absolutely nothing to worry about. That everything was set to turn out just fine. I really wanted to believe him when he said that Walsh would soon be locked up, and the two of us would live happily ever after, but I was still scared. Or maybe pessimistic, or both.

Killian and I hadn't been caught yet, but being careful had nothing to do with it. It was pure luck. No matter how hard a person attempted to keep a secret hidden, it always ended up getting exposed, one way or another. Especially when it was a big scandal like a teacher dating one of his students.

Look at how easy it was for Belle to put two and two together. Yes, she was Killian's best friends and knew him and his habits better than most, so that factored into it. But anyone who watched closely enough could see that there was something between us. We always kept it professional in the classroom, no flirting or gazing. But once in a blue moon, Killian and I would happen to glance around the room at the exact moment, and eventually our eyes would meet, which lead to a brief smile or wink.

All it took was for one person to be looking at us during that precise moment, and figure the full extent of our relationship out. What if Belle wasn't the only one who knew about Killian and I? What if someone else was keyed in and just waiting for the prime moment to blackmail us into doing their bidding, perceiving we'd comply to prevent exposure?

I soon realized that was extremely far fetched, and that I was psyching myself out. I was being overly paranoid. If that were actually the case, this hypothetical blackmailer would have already chosen to strike by now. I needed to take in deep breaths and attempt to relax.

"Principal Nolan is ready to see you now," Patricia the office lady informed me from behind her desk.

I stood up from my chair and began my trek to his office down the hall.

"Hello, Emma," Principal Nolan greeted with his usual jubilant attitude.

"Hi, Principal Nolan," I smiled as I sat down.

"Now, I don't want you to worry about being sent down here. You're not in any trouble," he assured.

"Is this just one of your usual check ups on me then?" I asked, pretending to be clueless as to why I was here.

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