Only You

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Three weeks later...

Emma's POV

It was now the first week of January, and the beginning of second semester. Which meant schedules were being changed, and students were transferring in and out of classes.

The only alteration made to my schedule was that I now had study hall to replace my creative writing class, since it was only a one semester course.

I still had Killian as a teacher, which was good and bad. It meant more time during the day to see him, but it was very difficult to focus on my class work instead of him.

American History was split into two courses here, American History I and II. Students weren't required to take them the same year. Some took the first half their junior year and the second half their senior year.

History II focused on historical events during the final years of the Vietnam War, all the way the up to what was happening right now in modern society.

I wasn't particularly looking forward to this shift. I preferred learning about the Middle Ages, the 1800's, and all of that old time stuff. I found it more interesting.

Unlike most of the teachers I'd had, Killian was very skilled at being able to teach a lecture and keep my attention on it. Which was not an easy task to accomplish.

I truly believed he was the best at what he did. And no, it wasn't just because he was my boyfriend. He was patient, when he wanted to be, and always eager to lend a helping hand to any student struggling with the subject.

Though he was always firm, which was necessary so my classmates wouldn't walk all over him. One of Killian's biggest pet peeves was teens disrespecting their superiors.

I'd learned that the hard way, but ever since we had grown close, I'd realized that Killian was not wrong for doing what he did. It didn't make him a bad guy. He told me he was as strict as he was to actually help his students.

Children needed structure and rules, or they'd become spoiled, arrogant assholes who thought they were larger than life. And an attitude like that got you nowhere.

Whenever Killian would go off on his frequent rants about today's ill-mannered youth, he sounded like an eighty year old curmudgeon. Throwing phrases like whippersnappers and hooligans around. There was no doubt that he had an old soul.

Since having our first date, I had been over to Killian's apartment two more times. I didn't go as much as I'd like. Both of us were worried if I did, some of the neighbors would notice and put two and two together.

Killian would cook us dinner, and then the rest of the night would be spent with us snuggled up together on the couch, chitchatting while watching Netflix. And of course the recurrent making out. That was my favorite part.

That was as far as we had gone intimately. Neither of us had yet to bring up the topic of sex, I was too embarrassed. Being seventeen and never having a boyfriend or anything close to one, I was obviously still a virgin. So I was completely inexperienced in that department.

I'd never felt the desire that always pooled in me whenever I was around Killian with anyone else before. All of it was completely foreign to me. Of course I'd been attracted to a cute boy or two, and the occasional male celebrity.

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