Two Weeks

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Emma's POV

After two weeks of seeing each other, I'd picked up on most of Killian's quirks. I was pretty positive that he had obsessive compulsive disorder.

Everyday after school, I would come to visit him in his classroom. And everyday, he performed the same routine. He wouldn't allow any talking until he was completely finished, so I sat and watched him.

First, he'd scrub down the whiteboard until there
was absolutely no marker smears at all. Even if the smudge was so microscopic the human eye could barley see it, Killian would still lose his marbles.

Then came the straightening of the desks. He literally would move every single one, so all twenty of them were aligned exactly three feet apart. If any were even a centimeter off, it was totally unacceptable.

I had offered to help once, but boy had that been an extremely regrettable mistake. I didn't do it in the precise manner he wanted me to, and he nearly blew a gasket.

I wondered when the janitors made their rounds, if they'd ever moved a desk, unknowingly ruining Killian's setup. I could picture him coming in the next morning, and start spazzing out.

After that, he had to make sure his desk was absolutely spotless, and that there was no clutter on it whatsoever. God forbid if there was.

It baffled me how one minute Killian could be this carefree, laid back guy, and the next, he turned into an obsessive control freak. I was beginning to think he was a little neurotic. In the best possible way, of course. I found his oddball behavior to be extremely adorable.

When Killian finally finished, it was usually time for our tutoring session at the library.

Surprisingly, hiding our relationship had been a lot easier to accomplish than I had expected it to be. Both of us were smart, and always made sure to keep it professional in the classroom.

No staring, winking, or flirty looks of any kind were allowed. All it took was one student to glance over at us, and it would all be over. 

Though, I was able to get away with the occasional yearning and making doe eyes a lot more than Killian could.

It wouldn't be too big of deal if I ever was caught, since I was one of the many female students doing it. Not being Killian's only admirer was an unfortunate fact that I tried not to let get to me.

If Killian was interested in any of those bimbos, than he'd be with one of them instead of me. But he wasn't, he chose me. In your face Aurora, Marian, and the rest of you hags! Too bad I'd never be able to rub it in their most likely already pumped with Botox faces.

As I waited in the lunch line with my friends, which was moving more sluggishly than usual, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I inconspicuously grabbed it, turning down the brightness all the way before looking to see who I'd received the text from.

I bit my lip, trying to hide the instant smile that came to my face when I saw it was Killian.


Do you think you could sneak away from your friends for a few minutes to come see me?

KJ was what I'd put down for Killian in my contacts. It wasn't by any means creative, but it was a good enough alias in case one of the girls got ahold of my phone. They loved swiping it from me so they could snoop through it.

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