First Date

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Emma's POV

I eagerly opened the door when I heard it unlock, and practically ran to the elevator. I tapped my foot impatiently as it slowly made it's ascend to the second floor. Could this thing be any god damn slower?

Come on, elevator, get going. I have a sexy ass boyfriend waiting for me. I always got butterflies whenever I referred to Killian as my boyfriend. I loved knowing that it meant he was mine, and only mine.

After what seemed like forever, the doors finally opened.

Killian said his apartment was towards the end of the hall on the left. I scanned the plaques on the doors until I spotted 4B. I gave a soft knock, and  was greeted by Killian a few seconds later.

"There's my girl," he smiled, gesturing for me to come in. My heart fluttered erratically at his words as I stepped inside. He shut the door behind us before he swooped in to give me a sweet peck on the lips. "I see you found my place."

"Well, considering you live in the middle of town, it wasn't that difficult to find," I chuckled as he kindly took my coat off of me and hung it on the coat rack by the door.

"And I also see that you want to freeze to death," he narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at my dress. "Wearing a dress in the middle of winter. Shame on you, Swan."

"I figured I was going to get the riot act," I sighed, suddenly feeling sheepish. I hated how guilty Killian made me feel whenever he would scold me for misbehaving.

"Although I must say, you do look simply stunning in it," he smirked as he swaggered over to me to caress my face. "But then again, you always do," he murmured before connecting his lips with mine. 

"Add knowing how to make a girl blush down to the list of things Killian Jones is good at," I teased, feeling my cheeks burn even more with color.

"You have a list?" He cocked a brow questioningly.

"Maybe," I stated coyly, biting my lip. Just then, I heard the pitter patter of paws trot down the hall, until I was greeted by the cutest dog I'd ever seen.

He had big chocolate brown eyes that sparkled with delight, and his mouth hung open in the form of a smile. His tail wagged in an up, down, and then side to side motion over and over. His fur, which looked silky soft, was black as night, and he came up to about my knee.

"Ah, and this big slobbery, kibble eating goof is Buckley," Killian smiled as he knelt down, just in time for Buckley to lick his face. I let out a giggle.

"Love, I wouldn't do that," Killian warned as I started to bend down to pet the adorable fur ball.

"Why not?" I questioned confused. Was he worried Buckley would bite me or something? He looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Well, he's not fixed yet, so he has a bit of a tendency to hump everything that moves," Killian scratched behind his ear. "You're fine standing up, just don't get down on the floor," he assured when he saw my eyes go wide.

"Thanks for the heads up," I laughed. "Sounds like someone is awfully frisky," I teased as I turned to look at Buckley, ruffling the top of his head.

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